Doflamingo x Reader

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This one doesn't really have a title but that's okay. I also didn't think about this before I wrote it it's an on the fly thing and it's a lot shorter, okay here we go.

Here's some song I listened to while writing it, idk they're pretty slow and I just thought they kind of fit. Okay here we go.

{Doffy's Pov}

' That foolish girl really thought she could run from me? I thought she loved me too, I love her. But she had to go and run away, why...?'

I'd been looking for y/n, my lover for just under a year. She'd run away in the night without any note or reason why. Y/n is the one person I love, and I never treated her wrong, so why? Why did she leave me. It didn't matter now, I found her, and I was almost at the island she'd been hiding on for the past eleven and a half months.

I was flying over the crystal blue sea, it was only a few more minutes before I arrived. Many thoughts went through my head over and over; mostly questions or things I'd say to n/n when I found her.

It was a rather small island but large enough for me to have to wander a bit before I found her house. It was a medium sized beige house. I knocked on the door, no response, I knocked again and still no answer, so I used my devil fruit powers to cut the door off it's hinges. At this point I was getting somewhat upset at y/n. First she runs away with no explanation, now she can't even open the door when a person knocks? 'Well... let's find out why you ran away sweetheart' I thought as I walked into her home.

Flashback 11 months ago

{Y/n's POV}

' No... no no no. I'm- pregnant?! Doffy's probably going to be so mad, what do I do.' I thought as I stared at the doctor who'd just told me the news. Although he'd never done anything to me before I was scared of how he'd react to me having his kid. Doffy might see it as something to slow him down, but maybe just maybe, he'll be happy? That wasn't something I'd like to take a chance with though. I needed to think of a way out, and fast.

Two weeks later

' This is it.' I thought as I grabbed my bag and slipped from the bedroom I shared with my fiancé; well, I suppose since I'm doing this, he's kind of an ex-fiancé now...

     Swiftly, I made my way through the lush green gardens I once walked through with Doffy. Once I reached the gate, I cracked it open and cringed at the loud creak it made, after the gap was large enough, I slipped through and started running. The air was cool, and the moon shone brightly on the ground. I ran to the docks and hopped on one of the small boats and then set sail. Where to, I didn't know quite yet but, wherever the ocean takes me.

Present Time

     Someone knocked on the door right as I managed to get my son, Damian, to stop crying. I glanced at the door and hoped whoever it was would have enough patience to wait for a minute. Unfortunately, they didn't, they knocked again and louder this time. Damian reached his small hands up towards me and grabbed a small section of my hair. A soft smile reached my lips and I looked lovingly at my child. Until I heard wood on wood, my gaze turned to the closed bedroom door. 'Someone broke in... I don't have time to hide, and what if Damian starts crying again. Crap this is bad...' Footsteps made their way down the hall, towards the bedroom. The footsteps stopped right outside the door, and I held my breath. I had been too caught up in the fact someone broke in to realize my son was happy, really happy. He gently tugged on my hair, and I looked down at him, I froze as the door creaked open and my vision blurred with tears. It felt like was everything stopped when I heard it, my child's giggling.

{Doffy's Pov}

I stepped into the house and glanced around. No one was in the main room, so I walked over to the stairs and slowly walked up them. On the second floor there was only three room. Two had their doors open so that only left one for her to be in. Tap, tap, tap. I walked down the hall and stopped outside the door. Now I hesitated, what would be so bad that made her run from me? Is it really something I wanted to see? I shook my head; I already came this far, and I refuse to go back now. I can't go back without her. My hand turned the knob and open the door right and right after it was fully open, I heard and saw the reason y/n has left. 

A baby, he lay in her arms giggling as he twirled her hair around his tiny hand. Everything seemed to freeze as I felt something wet run down my cheek. 'Tears? Why am I crying... well obviously because the woman I love is holding a baby and I don't know if it's even mine.' My hand reached up and slowly took off my pink sunglasses, my teary eyes shifted and met her equally teary ones.

She looked at me with many emotions, an apparent one being, fear...

"Is- who... " I choked on my words and tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

A single tear slid down her cheek and y/n looked down at the baby. "He's... he's yours. "

Sudden relief but also confusion washed over me, and I stepped closer to them. Y/n held him a little closer to her chest and his smile dropped a little and he began to look confused.

"Why...? " I tried to form a proper question but couldn't.

" I was afraid, I didn't think you'd want a kid. " She began to cry and her- our son, reached up and wiped away a tear that threatened to drip onto him. " I know I shouldn't have run. And I know you've never done anything bad to me, but I was still scared." 

Her distressed voice strained my heart. ' She thought I wouldn't want her to have our child? ' The tears began to flow then. I knelt in front of y/n and my head rested on the edge of her legs.

" Y/n... please come back. Come home. You and our son. There isn't anyone else I'd want to have as my wife and the mother of my children; I promise to love you and him 'till the day I die. " I turned my tear stained face up and met her eyes. " I was broken when I realized you'd run away.  So many thoughts and questions replayed over and over in my head, I wondered why you'd done it and if you'd come back. Every day I sat on the roof, by the gate or in the gardens where we'd always talked about our future, I waited day and night for you to come back. " I paused here and looked at our son, who'd placed a small hand on my face, wiping away my tears.

" I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... " Was all she could say. But even that, was more than enough.

I stood up and sat next to her on the bed. My arms wrapped around her and our son as I gently rocked her back and forth as she sobbed into my chest. " How, how old is he? And what's his name?" I asked after I stopped moving us.

" He'll be a year old in a couple weeks, and his name is Damian. " She said with a softly smile.

Damian looked up at my still teary eyes and opened his mouth. " D-dada? D-dadda do't c-cry." He said reached up toward my face.

Y/n looked at Damian then up at me. She smiled and held him out towards me, I reached out and then held my son in my arms. " Don't worry, Dadda won't cry anymore..." I said, blinking back the tears of happiness, I kissed his head and then turned to y/n. She laid against my side and smiled. I kissed her head and then whispered " I love you both, so, so much... "

Y/n whispered back " I love you too... let's go home now..."


Yeah, um... I may or may not have almost cried writing this and I don't even know why. I hope you guys liked this one and I know it's shorter than normal. I'll start working on a longer one later today.

Also, I deleted the other story I was doing because I reread it and didn't like it so- yeah. I'll start a story later in the summer.

Okay that's it bye, love y'all!

Word Count: 1500

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