No matter who you are ( Ace x Reader )

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TW: Suicidal thoughts are mentioned.

I'm planning to make this a girl reader one shot simply because when it comes to comfort scenes its easier for me to make a girl x boy comfort scene if that makes sense. Also, in this story they will all be older than they were during this time in the anime, just so it's less like childhood love ykkk.

Y/n Pov:

   I was running through the woods as fast as I could, hurdling over roots and creaks, ducking under branches and through small tunnels. I didn't really know where I was running to all I knew was I needed to get away from the men chasing me. I glanced back as a heard a loud grunt and then a thud. I saw one of the men chasing me drop to the ground and the other two stopped to see what had happened to their companion. It happened so fast I almost missed it, a figure hopped from a tree and smacked one of the last two in the head with what looked like a bat, not a metal one though just a wood one. The last one turned and whipped out a knife, I tripped over a root since I wasn't paying attention to where I was running. I fell and hit my knee hard on the ground as well as my head. ' Damn that hurts! ' I heard one last yell and assumed whoever it was that came to my aid had taken down the last man. After a failed attempt at standing, I felt two strong arms slip under my arms and hoist me off the ground. My eyes moved to see who had helped me up and I was surprised to see a boy, who looked about a year older than me. He has shaggy black hair and some freckles across his cheeks, his dark eyes were looking over me as if he was seeing how bad I had fallen.

" Um... " was all I could manage to say.

He looked back up at my face and met my eyes. " Ah sorry, can you stand? "

" I think so... " I tried putting pressure on my hurt leg and though it hurt I clamped my jaw and stood on it. The boy who had helped me slipped his arms away from me and they fell back to his side.

" I'm Ace, why were those guys after you huh? "

" Thanks Ace, you really helped me out. They were after me because I stole some money from them, I'm saving up so I can go out to sea someday, but I need to buy a boat. Oh, my name's Y/n by the way. "

" Nice to meet you y/n. I myself want to set out to sea, I'm going to be a pirate someday. But not just any pirate, no... I'm going to be the king. "

I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the determined look on his face. His face flushed slightly, and he got defensive.

" W-what?! Do you think I'm not strong enough! I'm the one who just saved your sorry ass from those dudes! "

" No no that's not it at all! I just...never thought I'd meet someone who'd be so serious about becoming the king of the pirates. "

He scoffed then replied, " You should meet Luffy. "

" Who's Luffy? "

" My brother of sorts. " He picked up his bat that was leaning against a tree. " Cmon, let's get you home before those guys wake up. "

" I... " I looked at the ground slightly embarrassed for some reason. " I can't go home. I don't have one. "

" You don't have a home? "

I shook my head and he sighed. " Alright, c'mon, I guess you can stay with me for tonight."

My eyes must've portrayed my shock as he nodded to confirm what he said, and I replied. " T-that's okay, I don't want to be a burden to you. "

" I've already made up my mind, if you don't walk with me, I'll just carry you back. " We held eye contact for a bit and then I sighed and picked up the bag I had dropped and walked over to him.

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