Love will Last ( Ace x Reader1, Smoker x Reader2 )

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Quick note, I'm going to be using y/n1 and y/n2 instead of y/n in this story and the readers are females technically, so I'll use she/her pronouns and there will be a lot of switching povs. I've also never written one of these so um, we'll see how it goes lol.

  I do apologize in advance because, as I said, I've never written a double before so yeah, okay I'll go now, happy reading.


y/n1 was sitting by the window in her room. she was lost in thought and had a rather sad look on her face. y/n2 walked in and looked over at her best friend before sighing and starting to make y/n1's bed.

   " Why does this have to be my life... " y/n1 said staring out the window. " I just want to be able to be with the man I love. "

  " You know, a lot of girls would love to be the princess and have your life. "

   " Yeah well, being a princess isn't all it's thought to be. " y/n1 stood from her chair and looked over at her best friend.

      The two of them sit together and talk for a while and y/n2 does her work while listening to y/n1 talk about how she loves Ace and wishes she could be with him without having to worry about her father or the marines. After an upcoming reception her father, the king, will have her marry a man of noble blood due to him planning to abdicate the throne. He's hosting a " party " type of thing in hopes to find a man he finds suitable for his daughters' hand in marriage. She on the other hand would but rather run away with the love of her life, the wanted pirate Fire Fist Ace. She's been having a secret relationship with him for a long time and constantly talks to him about how she wants to tell her father about him but they both know they can't do that..not yet.

Meanwhile on a different part of the island.

Ace's pov:

    I hopped off my ship and landed on the ground of my favorite kingdom. I could hardly wait for this evening as that was when I was going to go and see the love of my life..y/n1. That girl had managed to capture my heart, my thoughts, my love, everything she could possibly take. We don't get to meet often but when we do I make sure to make every second count, When I'm with her everything is good. I've felt things I never felt with anyone before when I'm with her.  I can truly be me when I'm with her.

    I smiled and turned to look at Marco. Marco knew about me and y/n1, he also had recently found out about the reception her father had planned. That damn reception is a part of why we came back here sooner than planned though I didn't know it yet. I thought we had just forgotten to grab something or some other reason. I wanted to convince y/n1 to talk to her father with me about us being able to be together, she's my world, the love of my life. I can't stand having to hide my love for her from the world forever.

" I'll be back tonight alright? " I said to Marco.

" Yeah yeah, just don't do anything to crazy with her alright? "

I smirked and replied. " No promises. " He gave me a ' you disgust me boy. ' Look before turning and walking away from me. I myself start moving, without attracting to much attention to myself, towards the pre-chosen meeting spot with y/n1.

Smoker's Pov:

  "Alright, I just got to make sure no weirdos or uninvited people come into the palace...easy." I thought to myself. I had been tasked to be a security guard at a reception of some sort for the king and his daughter. I make my way to the palace and walk through the many rows of bushes, some with flowers, some without, but all very neat and well kept.

   I started taking mental note of the layout of the palace and its grounds. The palace itself was a clean beige color, somewhat cliche but they made it work out because of the stained-glass windows. The windows had many pictures of fields and mountain ranges. There were only four stained-glass windows, two on each side of the entrance gate to the palace's inner gardens. The inner gardens had rows of red and yellow flowers, some purple and blue ones scattered here and there. Medium sized arches lined the path in some sections where on the opposite side of them some little streams flowed. I walked towards the main doors when I was approached by a woman who looked to be a castle worker.

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