A Whole New Way of Connecting (Blackpool Combat Club x Renee Paquette)

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"Goddamn that goddamn motherfucker!!! I'm going beat his fucking brains in!! Fucking asshole fucking fucked us!!" Mox screamed as he punched the wall as hard as he could, blooding his knuckles and almost breaking his hand.

"Jon, you need to calm down. He isn't worth it; we need to refocus," Claudio said while trying to keep the peace and remain neutral as always.

"Claudio is right, Mox. That piece of shit isn't worth it. We have more important things to worry about, like winning our belts back!" Wheeler added.

"Okay, fuck, I'll fuckin tone it down. Where the hell is Danielson?" Mox barked in frustration.

"Uhh, he's, um, he's trying to go after Regal," Wheeler stuttered out.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him."

Mox shoved past his teammates and flew out the door like a bat out of hell while mumbling to himself, "Fuckin' kill him, he's fuckin' dead."

By the time that Mox got to Regal's locker room, Bryan was there but no one else was to be found. Bryan, almost in tears, was screaming as Mox entered the room. "Why'd you do it? Why?! We had something special! We were going to train the future!"

As Mox approached Bryan, both men were very emotionally charged. One thing led to another. Despite it not being Bryan's intention, a verbal war started as he tried to defend the actions of Regal. Actions that he didn't like nor understand, but Regal had mentored and trained them. He had to at least consider that he had a good reason for doing it, right?

Despite this, things quickly came to blows. Before Bryan knew it, he had said one wrong thing and an already pissed off, emotionally charged Mox had taken him down to the ground, laying down hard and heavy strikes.

Strikes taught to them both by Regal. Strikes meant to win a fight. Strikes thrown with the purpose of inflicting as much pain as possible before being stopped.

Before either man realized it, they were being broken apart; the other two Combat Club members had separated them. Despite them trying to break free and attack one another again, the fight only continued with words. After much yelling there was nothing that could be done; this wasn't something that could easily be fixed or gotten over.

In simpler terms; this isn't working. I think we need a break or to see other people.

The Blackpool Combat Club had effectively broken up.

They were going their separate ways. No more words. Each man left and went their own way. They had truly, in real time, disbanded as a stable.

Mox went back to his hotel, first stopping at the bar, sitting down, and ordering the very drink that was his definitive poison. He sat there and stared at the shot glass for a moment; he was pissed off.

No, he was depressed.

No, overall, he was just hurt.

He was lost; he needed to feel like he belonged. He needed connection.

"Fuck it," Mox said as he poured the shot out, electing to not drink it and go get that connection he needed. Connection he could only get two ways: fighting with the Combat Club or fucking his wife. Since the club was gone, Renee's pussy would have to do.

Mox walked into his hotel room and Renee stood up to comfort him. He responded by pushing her against the wall and shoving his tongue down her throat. Renee responded differently than he had expected and  pushed him off.

"Jon, don't get me wrong; this is nice and you know I love to fuck, but you aren't trying to just fuck me because you want my pussy are you? Be honest. I talked to Bryan and I know what happened."

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