Sealed with a Promise (Will Ospreay x OC)

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"It's just not fucking fair," Will cried. "What I said back there, after the match... I meant every fucking word of it. I worked so fucking hard. I sacrificed everything. I gave it all to be the best, to be the fucking best and for what? Where did it get me? Fucking nowhere. I'm fuckin hurt, I'm fuckin' depressed, and I'm fuckin' alone! I'm so fuckin' alone, I don't even have my fuckin' self anymore. I've fucking lost everything. I'm fucking lost and I don't know if I can do it anymore. I can't. I just fucking know I can't. God help me, what have I become? I've lost myself. I'm a fucking joke."

Will finally broke down completely, sobbing too hard to even say another word. Liz, his childhood best friend, sat next to him, comforting him as much as she could. They had always been with each other, even when she left to follow her dream – the very same dream that she shared with Will.

As hard as it was, they had always kept in touch. It was awkward at times because part of them would always remember the day that Liz had left. The day they exchanged expressions of love.

She had begged him to go with her then, finally admitting, "Goddammit, Will, can't you fucking tell this isn't just my dream? It's our dream and I can't do it without you. I can't. I need you, you dumb bastard. I fucking love you."

She was just as much of a mess then as Will was now. In her eyes, being the best meant having the perfect life as wrestlers with her best friend.

Will, despite it killing him inside, deeply and with every fiber of his being, told her to go on. That he'd root for her, but she had to make her own path. That, "One day, if we're both good enough, then maybe, just maybe, the world will shine bright down on us and say, 'you know what, kids? You made it.' Then we can have our happily ever after. But until then, you're just you and I'm just me, trying to be the best and make it in this world.

"So fucking go and be the best, because I know you can do it and I know I'm going to. One day the world is going to call me the fucking Billy GOAT and you should want the very same for yourself. So fucking go get it, and don't let me hold you back, because you're fuckin' better than that and you're sure as shit better than me."

She had tried to combat him, to make him change his mind. Another war of words broke out between the two heartbroken teens before they agreed to part ways. To begin their journeys to be the best, something they signed with the mark of a forbidden kiss.

A kiss that was Elizabeth's first. A kiss that was a promise, a promise Will would never forget. The promise that, one day, if he became the best, he could finally make his best friend his lover.

Liz held onto it too, to this very day, at this very moment.

Before she could even speak and try to comfort him, his crying momentarily subsided. "You were fuckin' right, you know? I'm a fuckin' dumb bastard," He muttered before slipping back into tears.

At that moment, Liz understood. Will didn't invite her there to watch the match as his best friend – he had brought her there because once he had beat Kenny, in his mind, he would be the best. In his mind, she already was. Once he got the pin, the sun would shine down on them and the world would say, 'you know what, kids? You made it.'

It wouldn't just be him and it wouldn't just be her. Him being the best meant that finally, after all this time, the two could become one, and their 'you and me' would become 'us'.

"It's not fucking fair!" Will choked out through the tears and pain. Liz held him tighter than ever before.

"Will?" Liz said.

"Yes, love?" He managed to stutter out.

"You'll always be the best to me. You always were. Don't forget who gave you the name Billy GOAT, and don't forget what I told you all those years ago because it will always be true. This is our dream and I can't do it without you. I can't do any of this without you. You are my best friend, you dumb bastard..... And I still fucking love you," She then bursted into tears herself.

The two only settled down when they finally started to compose themselves and looked into one another's eyes. No, past that. They were looking directly in the soul. After years and years of fighting, it had all come to a head.

Will grabbed Liz by the hand, wiping away her tears and brushing her hair out of her face before finally speaking up. "I'm not fucking done with Kenny. I'm not fucking done with shooting to be the best because I'm almost there, love, and that why I'm going to sacrifice myself as much as it takes. Because I may be a dumb bastard, but I'm a dumb bastard that fucking loves you with all of his being. And once I prove myself to be the best, just like you have in my eyes, I can finally win my greatest championship of all, love, and that's you. I'm going to work everyday. I'm going to damn near kill myself – hell, I might by mistake. But in the end, if I have you... If you are by my side, cheering me on to get to where I want to be, then I can get where I need to be... And that's spending every moment of the rest of my life with you."

They both paused. Tears began to form in Liz's eyes once again before she smacked him like her life depended on it.

Will was shocked, but before he had a chance to even react, Liz spoke up with more self confidence than she'd ever had and said, "Train your ass off. Be the best you can be, because you are the greatest and to me, you always will be. If that's what it takes for us to give this a chance, then I want you to fucking end him. If not for you, if not for me, then for the way he treats Max. Now here's some fucking inspiration for you to be the best, you dumb bastard, because I will always fucking love you and you will always be my Billy GOAT."

Just like the promise before, it was sealed with a kiss, though this time it was not one of sorrow but one of hope and inspiration. A new promise had been made, one that would continue to stick with Will.

As Liz left on that dramatic note, a fired up determined Will Ospreay thinks to himself, I'm going to fucking slay the One-Winged Angel and take my throne atop heaven as the fucking best, with my dream girl. He got the Assassin and he won, but Kenny Omega will never beat the Billy GOAT!

While we wait for the next part of the series I've been working on in this book, here's a little treat for goodgawddallas involving her OC Liz. If you have not checked out the Wrestle Kingdom match between Ospreay and Kenny please do that immediately because it is so fucking good.

There should also be another oneshot following Max and Kenny and what they're going through at the same time as this fic coming out later for theboyhooddream

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