Um...I Think I Love You? (Max/OC X Hangman Adam Page)

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Following the events of her trip to Japan, Max had not been herself. She hadn't talked to Kenny, she hadn't been on social media; hell, she hadn't really even talked to Liz. She didn't have the heart to talk to Hangman, but it was Wednesday and she knew what that meant. Wednesday was a work day and she had to face the cold reality.

She fell for it again. Kenny had tricked her again.

She felt useless and so stupid. How could she? Why? Just why?

As she sat her stuff in the back, luckily a friendly but panicked voice spoke up behind her.

"I'm so fucking sorry we haven't talked. Like, so fucking sorry. But I fucking kissed Will and my head is spinning and I don't know what to do or to think or fucking feel cause I lowkey have a boyfriend who is in a huge match tonight and I don't know how it's going to turn out and I might be involved and I'm freaking the fuck out," A fast-paced, overly stressed and frantic Liz spat out in a seemingly one breath, run on sentence. Because of Liz's own drama, she had been completely unaware of what was happening with Max.

Max, who had held her feelings in and back for a week now, just fell into her best friend and started crying. This sent Liz into an, oh god, what did I do sort of panic mode. Liz held her and just kept apologizing over and over again, not knowing what she did. She just hated seeing her best friend cry and she was going to fix it however she could.

Finally after the outpour of emotions, Max got her words out. "He used me."

Not fully understanding, Liz, now on the defensive, asked her what she meant.

"Kenny. He fucking used me like I was just some sort of fucking prize. I fell for it again. He has done this to me several times and he's ghosted me. He's done so many awful things and every time I come running back just as soon as he flashes a smile. I'm so fucking stupid. Only a dumbass could keep falling for the shit I have and would allow themselves to be put through this. Why do I have to be so gullible and stupid? I just keep letting myself get hurt," Max finally finished with tears just streaming down her face.

Anger filled Liz . "I'm going to fucking kill him. First Will and now this. He's fucking dead!"

Max stopped Liz as she tried to storm off and go find Kenny. "Please Liz, stop. I can't take it. I have to do this on my own. I'm done with it. If anyone ends him, it has to be me. I have to show him that I'm not weak and I won't fall victim to his game. I won't be used."

Liz was pissed and, in her own words, wanted to punch a bitch, but she understood and respected Max. She was going to let her handle it alone if that was her wish. Instead, Liz made her own plan; she was going to wait until tonight's big match and crush him.

Unfortunately, life never goes as planned. Liz had left to prepare for the main event of the night and Max had things to do before the show, thus leaving her alone and vulnerable. She was sitting alone and catching up on the life she had been letting slip away in her sadness when Kenny walked in.

Just like that, the opportunity to take her life back, to one-up Kenny and to finally show him that she wasn't just a play thing, was all taken away with a line taken straight from a song. Step one, he said, we need to talk.

And talk they did. Kenny, ever the charmer, noticed that he'd messed up but didn't allow himself to be the bad guy. In a conversation filled with it's not you, it's me, he put the blame on her in a roundabout way, all while blaming himself out loud. Statements such as, "I'm just not ready for a relationship," "We've had fun and I love you, but I have to worry about me, focusing on myself,"  were deafening.

He had completely broken her. She didn't even get the chance to speak her mind. She knew this was going to be hard because she loved him, but she thought she'd get closure and he took that away. He used her in every way possible and didn't even let her have the peace of telling him that she was going to be able to move on which made moving on all the more difficult.

She sat there, slumped in the corner and shaking. Crying though not a single tear shed from her eyes. At this moment, she was empty.

Despite it being close to show time, after Kenny had crushed her, she closed herself off, not worrying about work or even caring. She didn't want to be there. She couldn't just go find Liz because she was with Pac. Kenny was with The Bucks so she couldn't just bust in on him, shouting that he didn't have the right.

She felt totally alone, to the point that she was hiding in a part of the arena she thought no one would find her.

However, she heard something unexpected; a worried and praying Hangman who was doubting himself, worried that after his concussion, he may not be good enough. Wondering to himself if he still had what it took. Scared that he'd get in the ring and just injure himself again, ending his career and his livelihood.

Max knew how that felt because she too had lost her career due to injury. She had overcome it mentally, now, and was happy to work in the business still. Whether it be backstage or in the ring, she just loved this.

She knew that as bad as she felt, she had to be there for him, because she understood and he was alone at this moment.

"For what it's worth, I think you'll be better now than you ever were," Max said, slinking out from the shadows.

"Max!" Hangman shouted, pulling her in for a huge bear hug. "How was your trip? I swear it seems like I should be so happy, but I'm so worried. I've missed talking to you so much. You know, it seems you always know how to make a man feel better. Sweetheart Max never thinks of herself, always lifting someone else up; that's what I've always loved about you, you know."

Max just slightly blushed, trying to hide her sadness as she said with a smile, "I try my best."

Hangman noticed that something was wrong instantly. "Okay, now what's wrong? You're upset and I'm not a good friend if I don't return the favor and lift you up, too, now am I?"

Her body language said it all, but as for actually speaking, she said nothing. She clammed up which hurt Hangman slightly. "Come on now, you can talk to me. We've known each other for years. There's no need to be shy; it's just me."

This made her smile. He always had such an inviting attitude. She thought she loved that about him. It was what always made her wish she would've, or could've, just been with him, but that seemed impossible at this point, right?

After much reluctance and slight prying from Hangman, Max spilled every last detail of her situation, because she truly needed someone in that moment and she felt safe with Hangman. She didn't have to just feel safe because she was safe with him. He would do anything for her and would do anything to protect her. He showed that with his response.

He was angry at Kenny, but he didn't hate him. They were friends and he had fucked up. They could get through it. That was always his mindset, so forgiving and compassionate, genuinely a truly kind hearted nice guy.

He held her and consoled her, gave her every bit of love he felt she needed in that moment and more. As he stood with the girl in his arms, telling her how smart and beautiful she was and how he couldn't see how anyone could hurt her because anyone would be lucky to have her, this was the moment in the movies that the entire audience would stand up and shout, "Can't you tell she feels the same way about you? You idiot, kiss her!"

But much like how Kenny had taken away her moment of taking back her life, she took this moment from the audience.

"Adam?" She looked up at him with baby doll eyes.


Without warning, she kissed him like in the romance movies where the couple kissed in the rain as fireworks went off in the background, the kind of way most people never experience let alone believe actually happens.

"You're going to do great tonight in your match with Mox and in the rest of your career, so get full gear ready and do some cowboy shit. I'll be in the back, watching and cheering you on to my heart's content. But as soon as you're done, I'll be waiting for you to get backstage, win or lose, because we need to talk. Because Adam... I think I love you."

Listen. You all get the point now. You know Max and Liz are their OCs. This is the last time I'm doing this lol. Next question. theboyhooddream goodgawddallas

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