No Time For Love (Will Ospreay x OC)

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"We need to talk."

"Sure, but make it quick. Our match is up soon and I have to be focused."

"Can we talk alone?"

"Don, man, can you give us just a moment please?"

"Sure, Will. I'll just go catch up on some other business I need to take care of. Just holler when you need me back. The security I hired for you is right outside the door. Don't worry, I'm going to take of the new god of pro wrestling."

"Thanks, Don. I'll catch you soon, brother. Alright then love, what is it we need to talk about?"

"It's about how you're acting, Will. It's not like you. Needing Don, having private security, it's like you actually want to hurt Kenny and not just beat him, like you said. I mean, Kenny isn't the best guy, but I feel like you're going a bit too far."

"Too far? Fuck off! Too fucking far? That was getting my ass kicked and left laying in a pool of my own blood and tears, being vulnerable for the world to see. Giving them a glimpse in my head, at my pain, and them only caring about the match, not me. Not knowing how much this hurt me. Not knowing that their boy Kenny was celebrating by banging your best friend like a dirty fucking ring rat while I fucking cried to the dream girl I can never fucking could have. No, that was too far. This, love? This is payback."

"I should slap the hell out of you because this isn't you."

"Wasn't me, love. I'm a new man, and I like it."

"What about that night? What about all we said to each other? What about the promises?"

"They're all going to come true, love, I just have to finish this. Become the best wrestler in the world, make Kenny remember my name, and hurt him. Hurt him like he hurt me. Then I can go back to being me and we can give this a go."

"Give this a go? Will, if this is the new you, even if it's just you right now, I would never want to give it a go."

"Then I'll take the kiss we shared that night as the kiss of death of our friendship. Always remember what we could have been, should I have not been a little cunt and just won by proving I was good enough."

"What the hell is wrong with you? You're obsessed! You don't care what it destroys."

"That's the price of being the best. It costs you each and everything you love. Just ask your new pal, Kenny. He loved her, you know, but when you're the best and want to stay at the top, you've got no room for love. That's one of the best lessons Don taught me."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"I mean, get the fuck out of here, love. I don't need you here. You make it too hard to focus and I have a match to prepare to win."

"You can't be serious."

"Oh, but I am."

"Fuck you."

"A bit too late for that, wouldn't you think?"

"You're a monster."

"You're goddamned right I am. Now leave, or I'll have you tossed out."

"I hope this eats you alive. I hope it kills you in the end, because in my eyes, to me, it already has."

Liz exited the room in tears, passing by Don, who, with a smirk on his face, reveled in the chaos he had created and entered the room behind her.

"Will, you don't need her! After winning this match, you're going to celebrate the way me and Kenny always did. All the women, or men, I don't judge, taking care of you in any way you need. No need for love or a girlfriend, or hell, even friends! They don't want you to be the best. But me? That's all I want, to see you be the best. Now, I'll leave you alone. I have a few calls to make. Keep training, get in your head for this match. Don't let your guard down. Here's to the downfall of Kenny Omega! May he and his friends burn in hell with the weak."

"Cheers, mate."

As Will began the final preparations for his upcoming match, Don had other things on his mind; like ruining yet another life to tear everyone away from his prize, Will Ospreay. By breaking him completely, he would have him, something that he never could have with Kenny. That was why he had to destroy Kenny, so he could continue riding someone else to the top and remain in control.

The next step of his plan began with a phone call.

"Well, well, well! If it isn't the Bastard, Pac! It's Don Callis. Long time no talk, if we even have at all. How's the homeland for you this time of the year? Actually, you don't have to answer that. I don't care, you're probably busy... Oh, and speaking of busy, you'll never guess what I just happened to walk in on! Your faithful girlfriend going into the locker room of her long time friend, and I must stress, friend, Will Ospreay..."

A web of lines had been spun, tales of a locker room fling that had been going on since the night of Wrestle Kingdom. How Liz was nothing but a tramp. Being an insecure man, Pac took it badly. Heartbroken after the phone call, he sent Liz an accusatory text which led to her calling, and it sprung her into self defense. This anger didn't help her case and the damage was done. By the end of the phone call, the two had seemingly agreed to part ways.

Don had gotten his way. She could have possibly gotten in Will's head and he couldn't have that, because if anyone could bring WIll to see the light, it was Liz, and by breaking her, Don could win. She would go quietly into the night, and seemingly, that's what was going to happen. She had no proof to prove her innocence and no way to make Will see how awful of a person Don was.

He had won, and there was nothing she could do. She had lost everything and Don had taken it so all Will would have would be him.

As the video package for the big rematch began to play, she slid down the wall, bursting into tears as Don and Will walked past her on the way to the ring. She and Will shared a stare for just a moment.

He wanted to stop. He wanted to tell her that he was sorry. But, when Don noticed his expression, he told him to focus and he shook it off. The Will that she knew, her best friend, was gone, and the match that she watched proved that.

She knew she had to do something but at this point, she knew of nothing to do. It was heart shattering. It took being joined by a scared and also crying Max, scared of the brutality in the ring, to remember what WIll had said.

He always loved her. Perhaps she had been wrong. Perhaps Kenny was good at his core, but had been corrupted. There was only one way to find out and to get the real Will back, and that was to meet with Kenny. Confront him on what had happened to her, and how he felt about Max. To hear his truth and share hers.

But, after the match, she knew Kenny needed to be alone, with not even his best friends following him into the locker room.

The night had become hopeless, but Liz wasn't going to let her hope die. As much as she wanted to, she wanted her life back. She wanted to set things right.

She remembered the words she spoke to Will that night and what he had said to her. She was going to make this right for everyone. She knew things were hopeless now, but in due time, the truth would come out and all would be right. The last thought in her head was about who was behind the headache of all of her friends, and how he was going down and this time, he could not win.

Fuck Don Callis, she thought to herself as a determined smile came to her face. The hope of setting everything right elevated it from a frown.

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