Because I'm a Gentleman (Eddie Kingston X Reader)

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"I'm tellin' ya, I likes ya, but fuck that shit! I ain't goin'! Like, for real, I'd rather suck a dick wrapped in barbed wire than go suffer through that shit!" Eddie said in the overly animated way that only he could. Subtlety wasn't really in Eddie's character. and when he was asked to go to a concert whose genre, in his tough guy mind, was for pussies, his mouth took over and was working faster than his mind could keep up.

You see, Eddie and his girl of the week had been together longer than most of Eddie's hookups. He liked her; to him, she had character. But, the two couldn't be any more different.

Unfortunately for Eddie, though, he was a softie at his core, and when he saw that he had upset her by making fun of her favorite band and the type of music she liked, he felt like an asshole. Like he had disrespected her.

And if there was one thing Eddie Kingston wasn't, that was disrespectful. He may be a lot of things, but he prided himself on respect. Eddie sort of mumbled a quick tirade of curse words to himself before putting on a charming smile.

"Actually, how bad could it be? You put up with all my shit and I never get out of the house. I can do this one thing for you. I'd be a total douchebag if I didn't return the favor and do stuff with you sometimes. I mean, trust me, I'm a total fuckin' prick, but my mama raised me right, so I'm an asshole, but I'm an asshole with a heart of gold. I can be a gentleman and take you out for a night of music, right? Of course I can! We'll have a great time, I know it. Just let me get my coat and flask, because it's cold as balls out and I sure as shit ain't payin' those concert prices for a fuckin' beer."

She was overwhelmed with joy and the fact she had gotten one over on Eddie. She wasn't a bad person, but sometimes a girl had to twist a situation to get her way; or at least, that was her train of thought.

"Ya know, maybe it won't be that bad? I'll get hammered, you'll have a great time, and later tonight, you can return the favor and get hammered, if that's what it'll take, and make me happy. Know what I'm sayin'?" Eddie laughed as he took a drink from his flask. "I mean, this gentleman is not trying to force you into anything. That ain't my bag. But the best way to repay a gentleman is to not be very ladylike." He laughed again, louder this time, as the booze was slowly starting to kick in on him.

This left his lady friend to roll her eyes and apologize to their Uber driver, who looked like a nervous wreck; someone who was completely unprepared for such a tall task like getting Eddie and his date to the concert venue. Luckily for him, the drive wasn't very much further, and so he thought to himself, I'll just turn up the radio and I'll get through this.

But, as the saying goes, famous last words. As the driver turned the sound up on the radio, not knowing what would come pouring out next, he hoped for the best.

As Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down began to play, the now utterly plastered Eddie screamed, "OH FUCK YES," as he then proceeded to belt out every last lyric of the song as his date laughed and cheered him on.

The Uber driver had no choice but to just put his head down in defeat. Thankfully, as the next song started, a shining light rang out.

"You have reached your destination," The voice of the GPS chimed in as the Uber driver breathed a sigh of relief. Eddie patted him on the back and handed him a hundred dollar bill.

"Hope this is enough of a tip for ya. I know my bitch ass is a holy fuck ton to deal with and you're a real G for putting up with a drunken bastard like me. I'll leave you 5 starts too, btw. I'm loud and annoying, but I'm not a fuckin' dick. Anyways, I'm gonna go to this shit ass boyband concert or whatever the fuck it is so I can get my dick wet later. Like I said, I'm a true gentleman, one of a kind. Bye now!"

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