Just Another Trophy (Kenny Omega X OC)

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"Will, I want you to listen to me, and listen closely. You're a good kid, but that's all you are good at. You cannot and will never be the best, because that's me. I'm at the top and I'm not stepping down, not now, not ever. I know you went through so much. We've all heard you bitch and we've all heard you cry. But the best? A champion does not bitch and cry. He just simply is the best, he takes what is his, and he shows each and every person that they will never be on his level. Do you understand me? You will never be on my level, so stop even trying and just keep crying like the bitch you showed us you are. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go celebrate the win that I didn't even need but I took to remind all of you who is the best and to keep everyone in their place. So now, I bid you all adieu. Goodbye, and goodnight... BANG."

"So babe, what did you think of the match? I think I showed everyone I still got it," Kenny said to Max as he exited the press conference.

"It was amazing! I've never seen anything like it. You and Will should be really proud. I mean, really, that may have been the best match either of you have ever had," Max replied, so excited to see Kenny that happy. He seemed to be in top form and was healthier than he'd been in a really long time.

"It was alright, wasn't it? And I know for sure it was Will's best match. Maybe I'll finally be the one that gets him over enough to hold the place down when I'm not here," Kenny said smugly.

Max took it as a playful joke from Kenny. He was always over the top and full of himself, but never with malice in her mind. Well, looks could be deceiving. There were also little comments on the way home about how he would have gone harder on Ospreay, but he didn't know if his fragile heart could take more of the realization he was always going to be second best.

Max finally piped up, reminding him that it was just a match and both of them did amazing, that Kenny didn't have to act like that.

Of course, that's when the change hit.

Good old charming Kenny, charismatic Kenny... he really was the best and he knew it. He could make anyone fall in love with him and he did. Max fell for the charm, she fell for the 'thank you for coming' and the 'you're my good luck charm,' 'I couldn't do it without you'.

But, it was one line that she fell for that would have offset some.

"You're the real trophy I get to take home tonight."

A cute line, right? To some, yes, and even so to Max, but Kenny meant that she was his reward tonight for being the best. The poor girl was being used for her body again.

Don't get it twisted – Kenny did care for her the way that Kenny cared for any of his so-called loves. But love for Kenny was allowing something he loved to have some of his time.

His ego had gotten to Kenny. He wasn't always that way; in fact, he wasn't always that way with Max.

He still did so much good for human rights, the wrestling business, and any other thing he truly cared about, but you see, Kenny, much like Will, was lost and hurting. The strive to be the best wasn't enough to fill that void so he kept looking to fill it. Some turned to drugs, some turned to other vices, but not Kenny. No, his vice was being the best. He got off on winning and he wasn't done winning tonight.

They had barely made it into the hotel room before Kenny was all over Max. He had already buttered her up and she was beyond willing to be his next prize. As the door slammed, clothes were already coming off. He backed her against the wall hard. Kenny, in this mode, was aggressive and sexuality in its top form.

To say the room was steaming would be an understatement. Legs were wrapped around his waist as he thrusted into her at a hard and steady rhythm. Cardio was no problem for Kenny; he could go all night if he wanted to. Kenny was truly the best at everything. Max didn't even care when her body thumped against the wall or that they hadn't yet reached the bed.

Max was in pure ecstasy, barely able to contain her screams of pleasure as she looked into his eyes while taking every inch, pump by pump. There was no place she would rather be when Kenny ragdolled her onto the bed, face down into the pillows and pulled her into place as he pleased . The speed and aggression had ramped up and Max could no longer take it; she was about to come.

But Kenny was the best, and once was not good enough for him. He slammed into her from behind, giving it his all as she gushed all over him uncontrollably. As he continued, it seemed he had no signs of stopping and she needed the rest. She begged, "Please, I can't take it anymore."

Knowing his job was done, he flexed at himself in the mirror and mouthed, "Who's the best?" to himself as he pulled out with just enough time to flip her over on her back and look her dead in the eyes as he finished on her thighs.

Max's world was spinning. That truly was the best she'd ever had and she let him know as much. Weakly, she pulled herself up to clean off. She talked to Kenny as she did so, despite him being oddly quiet. She thought that she was just as good as him and had worn him out as he did  her, but that was not the case. As Max finished changing and came back to cuddle Kenny and finish celebrating, she came back to see him dressed and heading out the door.

"I'm gonna go out on the town with Don and the boys to finish celebrating my big night. I will see you next week at TV. I've got that big ladder match to win, you know."

As he walked out the door, she was absolutely devastated, just crushed. She didn't even cry out as tears poured down her cheeks and she opened her mouth to no sound, only silence. Overwhelming silence.

Max started hitting the pillows. This isn't fair, she thought to herself. Why me?

She finally got the nerve to call Liz but received no answer. Max threw her phone against the wall, barely avoiding breaking it. She was all alone and needed someone, but no one came.

Max cried herself to sleep, feeling so foolish, feeling so used. How could she make these stupid choices? Why did she go with him? If only... She thought to herself as she finally drifted off. If only...

As she slept, forgetting the time difference, her phone was flooded... 8 missed calls from The Realest Adam, as she had Hangman listed in her phone, and one long text that read:

Went to the doctor today. He cleared me, Max!! Isn't that amazing? I can't wait to get in the ring again finally. Next week we'll have to go out and celebrate after tv. I've not seen Kenny's match yet but I heard it was amazing. You two have fun over in Japan and have a space trip home. Can't wait to talk to you soon. See ya Wednesday.

Here is your Menny angst, theboyhooddream !! :)  I hope it's as painful and heartbreaking as you wanted it to be.

Also, for anyone that's not read the previous one shot, please make sure you read that one as well because these are two sides of the same story. Also watch the match because it is SO GOOD!!

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