I'm Me and I'm Happy (Hangman Adam Page x Matt Jackson)

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"You know we have to tell them eventually, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. It's just, I know how Kenny can be with some things and with Nick, I've never told him anything like this."

"He doesn't know you've ever been with a man?"

"No, in fact, I don't know that anyone knows but the few guys I've actually had the courage to be with."

"Matt, the world isn't what it once was. You don't have to fear these things."

"You see, I know that. Deep down, I know that. But when your whole life, everyone has an idea of who you are, just some good, conservative Christian boy, it just... It makes it hard, even when you know that's not you, it's not you at all, to face yourself. To be true to yourself and be who you want to be, and to be with the person you love."

"Let me help you. There's no need to face this alone. It's horrifying to be someone like us and be in your own head. The fear of what your friends and family will think, questioning yourself and asking 'why aren't I normal like everyone else?' But Matt, that's the thing, you are and so am I. Love is love. It doesn't matter who it is, as long as you're a consenting adult. Why should it matter who you care about?"

"It shouldn't, and that's why it pains me, because I fall so easily. I get too invested. I'm supposed to be this big, strong man, but in the end, I question everything I do, because it doesn't matter what walk of life you're from, if I enjoy your company and who you are, I fall in love."

"You're so kind and your heart is filled with love. People have hurt you, and they've let you down. I understand it and I've been through it. You don't think because I've had feelings for both men and women it's not scared me shitless or made me question who I was? Because I'll tell you what, it fucking has, and it's damn painful. Am I gay or straight? Do I like both? For the longest time, those questions ate at my very fucking soul. But you know what? One day, I woke up, I looked in the mirror, and I said, 'what does it matter what label the world wants to give me?' Because in the end, what they say, what they want to call me and throw my way, that shit, well, that shit don't matter. No, what matters is the smile I wear on my face, those moments I look at myself in the mirror and I can say 'I am me, and I am happy.' That's what keeps me going when life gets rough, just being me, being real, and most definitely not letting bigoted bullshit stop me from being me and having that happiness."

"I want that. I really, really, want that."

"Then take it. Accept yourself and don't give a shit who it offends. Because if they don't want you to be happy, then they never once cared for you in the first place."

"You're right, because I am me. I was born this way and nothing anyone can say can change that or change me."

"Hell yeah, you're you!"

"I am me and I deserve to accept myself and let me be happy."

"And how are you going to accept yourself and let yourself become happy?"

"By not hiding anymore. By telling my family and my friends and cutting the toxicity out of my life. I have to. But understanding how they feel and hoping they embrace me, and understanding myself. I am me and there is nothing wrong with me. Their hate is not my fault. It is on them. And on top of that, exploring my love for the person that made me understand that it's ok to be different, and that if I learn to love myself, then I will not only be happy, but find happiness in a partner who loves me for me."

"You're going to find that happiness Matt, and I'm going to be here every step of the way, never leaving your side, through the upsides and downs. Even if a relationship doesn't work out for us, you'll always be my best friend, and together, having each other's back, we'll make sure we are happy, truly happy. We'll not just be faking a smile because from here out, there's nothing to fake. This is real. This is us, and there's no changing us. Because we are, were, and always will be exactly who we were born to be."

"I love you, Adam."

"I love you, Matt."

Following the heated conversation of self discovery, Hangman embraced Matt once again, assured him things would be okay, and that when he was ready, he would be right by his side to tell his brother and best friend, the locker room, and his family. He wouldn't let anyone have a hateful comment because those who truly cared about him would shut them up, because when you love someone, truly, you love them for them and you don't stand by and let the hate of this world try to break them down. To try to make them revert back into their shell, to undo the progress they have made. That's what people you love do, because family, true family, has each other's back until the very end.

Hangman kept true to his word. After much coaching on how to get the fear under control, he was right there for Matt, who first gathered Nick and Kenny, the other most important people in his life. And, with Adam by his side, Matt came clean about his feelings for Hangman, the fact that, in hiding, they had been seeing each other for some time, but no he wasn't gay and he didn't even want to use the term Bi. He wanted to just be him and to see what happened and to his surprise, he didn't even have time to finish his speech before both Nick and Kenny embraced him. They shouted to him how they were proud of him, how it took a real man to come to terms to just be them to ditch labels, to just be happy, and how they were so glad he finally told them. Because now, The Elite was stronger, because with no secrets and no hiding, they could always be transparent and grow strong day by day with each other at their sides.

And grow they did, bonding more than ever.

In the end, Hangman taught Matt to discover himself and they went on to decide what they were as friends. It was how they were most comfortable and what made them both the most happy, but Hangman kept his promise and he was there for Matt every step of the way, on good nights and bad, just as Matt was there for him.

Both men helped each other find the love of their lives, each the best man at each other's weddings. Both ended their best speeches with lines to always remember, you are you, and there is nothing wrong with that, because when you are you then you are always going to be happy.

The years have come and gone, but one thing has remained. Matt and Adam are soulmates, just not destined to be together in that way, and that's okay, because even to this day, they can't go one day without talking to each other, saying 'I love you,' thanking one another for being them, and telling the other just how good it was to see the other happy.


Thanks for the request and sorry it took so long. I hope you enjoy it whxreforgayfanfics

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