To Get The Blood Pumping (Darby Allin x Reader)

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"Holy fucking shit, dude! That was amazing. I don't see how you can do that shit. My nerves would be shot."

"Ah, it doesn't bother me. It gives me a rush, lets me know I'm alive."

"There's much easier ways to get a rush and feel alive."

"I know that, but come on, dude. Don't you ever want to take a risk? I mean, come on, live a little! Scare yourself! Dance with the grim reaper some."

"So what, you want me to jump over a house in a car or some insane shit like you?"

"Nah, nah, dude. You got it all wrong. What I do, that's next level. If you even tried to hang with me by doing something like that, well, your goofy ass wouldn't make it five minutes."

"So what, then? How do I earn my wings? How do I get this rush?"

"To be honest, a lot of people get their rush from a good fuck."

"Oh, so I'm not a good fuck and that's why you do this crazy shit?"

"You're plenty good, and I do crazy shit because that's just me. What I'm saying is even a good fuck can be spiced up a bit."

"You talking some BDSM shit?"

"For some, yeah, but that's not your bag. You're a different crazy than me. I do stunts, you, well, you make bad life choices. But hey man, god bless the crazy chicks. Mine's just a bit basic."


"Hey man, you can change it. I don't mind it. I've kept you around this long, why would I drop you now? But hey, when you wanna go to the next level, let me know."

"Next level, huh? You want me to go next level and show I'm not basic?"

"Easy now, don't break a nail getting pissed, Barbie."

"Alright, fuck it, what've you got? What is this next level?"

"Okay, so you're one of those who change your hair and mood with the wind crazies. So I know you've done some petty theft, maybe a bit of breaking and entering, probably because some guy said you couldn't or pissed you off. That sound about right?"

"Fuck you."

"That's what I thought. You're so teenager, next level for you is the cops breaking up the kegger at the graduation party."

"Now you're just being a bitch."

"Being a bitch? Or are you a poser using the term 'punk' because you like an aesthetic, not the lifestyle, but you cling onto it because you were, how do they say it, 'not like most girls?' So when guys found the spooky bitch hot, you started putting out and peaked in high school. Oh, damn sad thing is, it would've worked on me. I'm a sucker for a hot poser all the same as a legit badass."

"Okay, maybe that was me, dick but it isn't now. I learned from the poser days and now I live the lifestyle."

"Fucking aye, babe, that's what I like to hear."

"So then, Mr. Human Crash Test Dummy, what is next level?"

"You really think you can handle it?"

"At this point, it's sounding like if I turn up to the next level, you can't handle me."

"Fair point. I'm sorry I made it seem that way. But if you want to get thrown in the fire, we'll go for it. If you can't hang, it's okay, you'll make a good little nurse when I fuck myself up."

"I'm going to show you up so fucking hard/"

"Oh yeah? Really got under your skin, didn't I? Anyone ever tell you that you look fucking fire when you're pissed off? It makes a guy like me wanna haul off, smack you down to the ground, and rip that cute little outfit of yours off. Respectfully, of course. I'm still a gentleman, even when I ravage."

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