It's Time I Make Things Right (CM Punk X MJF)

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Beep. MJF's voicemail rang out as Punk muttered out his best shot at a humble reply.

"Hey uh, Max. It's uh, Phil. I saw your promo last week and didn't know you got dumped, man. It fuckin' sucks and I hate it. Seems like you've got the shit end of the stick since I decided to act like a total fucking dumbass and go off on the whole company. I know I've not been the best person and I've taken shots here and there, but you're a good kid and you're doing great. I'm not good at this whole good guy/mentor thing, so I'll end with this. I'm healing up and if everyone will have me, I'll be back soon and I'll make things right and take care of you. My line is open if you ever want to talk."

Max listened to Phil's message daily; it hurt him as much as it made him happy. As Wednesday approached, he just found himself more and more pissed off. It was noticeable to everyone backstage that MJF was hot and fiery mad. As the show reached the top of the hour and his music rang out, he stopped by to tell his boss, "Tony, I got a lot to say tonight. Bleep me if you have to, but do not cut me off."

Off to the ring he headed, taking in each and every cheer and jeer. He held back the anger before finally speaking.

"You know, you damn marks know a bit too much about my personal life. Which, fine, shit gets out there. It spreads. I'm a mega star, I understand it. I was okay with it when it was just you poors behind the barricade, but when one of the boys in the back calls my personal cell phone number because I made him sad and he wants to know I'm okay, that's where I draw the damn line. Tony, this is the part where you need to have your finger ready to edit, because I'm about to say a name these damn marks haven't heard in a while. A man that was such a damn mark for himself that he ruined my moment, my return. Hey dirt sheet writers, want a scoop? 'Cause this whole rant is a shoot, baby. No kayfabe here.

"The other day, the world found out just how sad I was, just how messed up I've become since I came back at All Out. Then a few days later, I got a call and the name that popped up was Phil Brooks, better known to you marks as CM Punk. The man who buried the entire company to get himself over. I was busy so I didn't answer, but he left a voicemail. Should I play it for you? Should I show you how once again, this man – this poor, pathetic man wants to use me, my pain, my story to get himself over? Well, it's not gonna happen, Punk. You're done. You're washed up. The rumors are true. You are a cancer that tried to bleed AEW dry and I won't allow you to kill the last thing I have left.

"So consider this a warning. If you ever call me or show up in my company again, I will end you, old man. We already know your body is just one hard shove away from having to retire completely, if it doesn't put you in the damn grave. So listen up if you know what is good for you, you sad, pathetic excuse for a human, if i can even dignify calling you that. Take the last bit of respect that these people think they have for you, call your sad career a day, and, I cannot stress this enough, FUCK OFF..."

MJF finished his promo by hyping his match for the show once he got everything off his chest. Shockingly, TBS and AEW let the promo air unedited.

Max refused to address the situation further with anyone. To him, he'd said his piece, meant what he said, and moved on. Punk, however, was hurt; more so by his own actions than Max's. Punk wanted to make things right and that's what he was gonna do.

The Friday before the upcoming PPV, Punk messaged Tony Khan and set up a conference call between the two of them and The Elite. A return was in the looks to be in the works

Punk waited on the call with baited breath. Everyone said their piece. Tony started stating that locker room morale had been the highest it has been since Punk came in, that he loved Phil as a person and as a wrestler, but he had to think of his company and his other wrestlers, not just one man. Matt and Nick followed by talking about what they had been through because of the media scrum and fight, saying that the fans turned on them, the media was scared to interview them, and they had a stink on them backstage that they were still trying to get rid of. They knew personally that money could be made from an Elite vs Punk feud but they were still hurt, because despite clearing their name, even to Punk, some people would never believe them. That something serious would have to happen before they would be comfortable having him in the locker room, let alone sharing the ring with him.

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