Chapter 19

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Embarrassment flashed across Yuan Huiru's face, and she said unnaturally: "Manman...she is still at home. You go quickly..."

After Yuan Huiru and her husband sent her unconscious mother-in-law to the hospital that night, they were arrested Observed in isolation. Not long after, her husband also fell into a coma. Later, both her mother-in-law and her husband died in a coma. Yuan Huiru felt that the sky was about to fall.

When the end of the world broke out, she escaped with the people in the hospital in a daze, only then did she think of the two children at home. When she stumbled and fled back home, she comforted herself when she saw that the two children were fine.

Seeing the mutated dogs eating passers-by on the street downstairs, Yuan Huiru locked the door of the house tightly, scared to death. The food at home couldn't last for a few days, and seeing more and more mutated cats and dogs swarming on the road, just when Yuan Huiru was about to despair, her eldest brother and sister-in-law came.

Yuan Huiru's eldest brother, Yuan Jinzhu's family, and the Yuan family's old couple live in a rural village. After the end of the world, Yuan Huiru's sister-in-law, Dai Meijiao, awakens the ability of the power system.

In the early days of the apocalypse, most people who were the first to wake up from a coma awakened powers such as strength and speed, which were considered self-protecting abilities in the early days, but in the middle and late apocalypse, they were completely insufficient.

Of course, right now, Dai Meijiao still thinks she's amazing. She was also a courageous person. She took Yuan Jinzhu and a group of people who had awakened their abilities from the village to drive a big truck to the county to collect supplies. Don't look at her as a woman, she is merciless when it comes to grabbing things in the supermarket.

When the things were almost packed, they went to Yuan Huiru's house when they remembered the sister-in-law that the parents-in-law was thinking about.

Seeing that the world is so dangerous now, Yuan Huiru is very touched that her eldest brother and sister-in-law still think about them. When she was about to leave with her eldest brother and sister-in-law, Dai Meijiao asked not to take Cen Xiaoman with her.

"Sister-in-law, how can I go without Manman, what should I do if she stays with a child!" Yuan Huiru naturally refused to leave Cen Xiaoman alone.

Just as Yuan Jinzhu was about to speak, Dai Meijiao gave her a stern look, "I won't take it if I say it's not allowed. What I said doesn't work now, does it?"

Dai Meijiao's name is Meijiao, but she is neither beautiful nor delicate. Not only is she very fat, but she also has a hot personality. Seeing that Cen Xiaoman was a little girl, she thought she couldn't do much work, and would waste food if she brought her back. If it weren't for the fear of her parents-in-law nagging, she wouldn't want to bring her sister-in-law and daughter with her. Now is the end of the world, and I don't know when it will be the end of this day, and one more person will have one more person's ration. That little girl was neither relative nor caring, Dai Meijiao refused to take her with her no matter what she said.

Dai Meijiao used to be the one and only master at home, and Yuan Jinzhu was always afraid of his wife, so after being stared at by Dai Meijiao, he suddenly fell silent.

Dai Meijiao just disagreed with Yuan Huiru's talk. See the truck team downstairs ready to go back.

"Go quickly, I don't have time to wait for your ink stains. There is only so much space in the cab, and you are all crowded, so how can you sit with her? If you are not afraid that she will be taken away by those mutant dogs and cats, then Put her in the supplies at the back and take it with you."

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