Im willing to try

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****Emily's POV****

Friday June 17th
9:00 am

I was thinking about the visit with Sonny yesterday, it was an interesting visit, and in the very short time I had known him thought it was interesting that he came here to visit. Hearing he had been in foster care too, is interesting as well.
I still haven't heard any more on my brother, according to my exams by Alex last night I was moving along well.
I just finished eating my pancakes when I heard knocks at the door and seen Alex and Olivia standing there

"Hey Alex, hey Olivia."
I smiled

Alex and Olivia came in

"So Emily I was just telling Olivia that you was still on track to be discharged on Monday. You'll still be on restrictions with your head injury but we'll discuss that more later."
Alex smiled

I sorta sat there shocked and unsure what to say

"How's my brother?"
Is all I could get out

"He's still in a coma and nothings changed."
Alex frowned

"So my brother is going to be here in the hospital, so where am I going to go?"
I asked nervous sitting up more

"That's what I'm here to talk about with you."
Olivia said

"I'm going to step out so you both can talk."
Alex smiled and walked out

"May I sit down?"
Olivia asked

I half smiled

Olivia sat at the end of my bed and let out a deep breath

"I'm going to juvie or something ain't I?"
I asked

"Emily not at all".
Olivia smiled

"So I know this is not our average case but Amanda and I discussed it and after we met with Sonny yesterday, we all three discussed it and sonny and Amanda are very excited and are on board, but they would be interested in taking you and your brother when he comes home in as a trial run to see how things go."
Olivia said

I sat there for a minute

I asked shocked

"Sonny and Amanda would like to take you and Simon in, they are actually at their house working on a bedroom for you and Simon, it's considered a trial run but, How do you about it?"
Olivia asked

I sat there for a minute

"Usually Simon is a voice for both of us, and it's hard because I can't talk to him, but we always said we stick together. But if we get to stay together, and be safe. I'm ok with trying this trial run."
I smiled

Olivia smiled

"Emily I know you don't know me and all of us well, and so far things haven't been the greatest, but I believe in my heart this will work. Sonny and Amanda are both very patient and loving, and they know what you've been through that's Been documented...but I'm sure there's more that you are holding onto."
Olivia put her hand on my hand

I looked down and I looked back up squeezing her hand

I felt a few tears fall down my face

"Do you think Sonny and Amanda will like me and Simon?"
I asked

"Of course and Emily if I didn't think this would work in my heart, I wouldn't have suggested it."
Olivia smiled

I smiled

"Do you think you could get it worked out I could see Simon before I'm discharged?"
I asked

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