Opening up Pt 2

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****Sonny's POV****

"You're a good kid, you're a good kid."
I kept repeating to Emily over and over

She kept letting out staggered deep breaths through her cries, while keeping her head rested on my shoulder.

"It's ok baby it's ok."
Amanda came over slowly and rubbed her back while I held onto her

Emily leaned up from me and rubbed her blood shot eyes, she had been crying pretty hard.

"Here can I take you to get cleaned up baby?"
Amanda asked

Emily nodded her head rubbing her eyes and Amanda put her hands out, Emily went into her arms and Amanda took her off to the bathroom

I put my hand to my mouth and just began to cry silently
I sat on Emily's bed and couldn't stop crying
I felt like I could relate to Emily so much
She's tiny like I was, she's small for a 10 year old.
Even thinking of Simon and not knowing if he'll have physical and mental permanent damage.

After a few minutes I heard knocks at the door

Amanda stopped

"What's wrong?"
She said coming over to me

I looked at her rubbing my eyes

Amanda said

"I just...(stuttering out) I was so afraid. I was afraid I wouldn't know how to comfort a child, especially after all I had been through. (I began to sob again) I just...didn't know. It's one thing when you're on the job but a child you are responsible for, in your care. Not a child sending off somewhere or to someone else."
I wiped my eyes

"Where's Emily?"
I asked trying to get it together trying to get the attention off of me

"She's getting a bath now. I talked to her and she's calmed down. But you know I don't think it'd hurt to maybe take her to see Simon today and let her know his current status at least."
Amanda said

I let out of a deep breath

Amanda rubbed my back

I leaned my head into her shoulder and she held onto me

"It's ok it's ok."
Amanda whispered

The pain I felt was starting to come out
I never got to apologize to Emily

****Emily's POV****

I got out of the bath tub and got dressed and brushed my teeth

Amanda had told me her and Sonny wanted to talk to me about Simon
I wondered if he was dead or alive?
I had a feeling he was alive but is he awake, will he ever wake up?

I opened the door and headed back to my bed room where Amanda held Sonny in her arms
She was whispering something
I was confused

"Sonny are you ok?"
I asked breaking the silence

Amanda looked at me and smiled
"Yes baby."
Amanda said

Sonny pulled away from Amanda rubbing his eyes letting out a deep breath

I was still unsure what to think

"Emily can you come over here real quick?"
Sonny asked

I didn't answer but just headed over to Sonny and Amanda

Sonny and Amanda looked at each other then me

"Hunny we have something to tell you about your brother."
Amanda said

My heart raced

"Olivia called me last night and let me know Simon has woken up, we haven't got an update this morning yet but he is awake and in stable condition. He wasn't talking much, but only stutters which was considered normal due to his condition and circumstances."
Sonny said

I put my hands to my face
Simon was awake
What would he be like?
Would he be normal?

I let my hands hit my sides

About that time Sonny's cell phone rang
He reached in his pocket and looked at the caller ID

"It's Liv"
He said to Amanda

"Answer it."
Amanda smiled

Sonny said answering
He stood up and walked out of my room wiping his eyes

I walked over and sat next to Amanda

"Amanda do you think my brother will be ok?"
I asked looking at her in the face

"I know that he's in the best care that he can be and has the best doctors who will do everything they can."
Amanda smiled

"Amanda I need to tell you something."
I said letting out a deep breath

"What's that baby?"
Amanda asked

"So I—-"
Began to say
When Sonny came back to the doorway

I stopped

"Liv just gave me an update on Simon."
Sonny said

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