Chapter 11: Gotta Get Back In Time!

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"Marty, come on! We're gonna be late!"

"Coming, Judes! Hang on!"

Marty had just come out of Doc's garage, barely able to keep his balance, trying to get his other shoe on, as he and his sister had quickly changed into their regular attire.

He got out a letter which he had brought from inside.

"What's that?" Judy asked as they rushed to the DeLorean.

"It's for the Doc..." Marty said hesitantly.

"Is it about what happened at the mall?"


He looked over the envelope which read: Do not open until 1985.

"But, didn't Doc say something about not knowing the future?"

Marty thumped his head against the seat, "Yeah, but, I just can't sit by while the Doc gets hurt. I'm not taking any chances."

I've gotta at least try and save him!

A few minutes later, the DeLorean finally reached the clocktower.

Marty and Judy quickly hopped out, and were immediately bombarded by Doc.

"Great Scott! Where have you two been?!"

Marty was about to reply but Doc threw his hands up, "Oh, it's fine! Did you get your parents together?"

"Yeah, we did!" Marty yelled, the wind drowning out his voice.

It was at that moment they noticed the storm quickly approaching.

"We're running out of time! Quickly!" Doc exclaimed.

Marty and Judy quickly climbed back into the DeLorean, and Doc set in the date: October 26th, 1985.

"Alright," Doc stated, "In exactly 7 minutes and 22 seconds, the lightning will strike the clocktower!"

He then placed an alarm clock at the hood of the DeLorean.

"Now, when this alarm starts you take off!" He pointed, motioning toward the street.

"Got it, Doc!" Marty gave a thumbs up.

Doc turned back toward the clocktower, but Marty stopped him short.


He quickly hopped out and hugged the young scientist.

Doc returned the hug gratefully.

They both felt a tug at their feet.

Judy had come to join them as well.

"Well, guess I'll see you two in about 30 years."

Marty looked down, "I hope so."

Doc tapped his shoulder, "Don't worry, as long as you're going at precisely 88 miles per hour when the lightning strikes, you'll be fine."

The McFly siblings got back inside as Doc tried to leave once more.

But then he stopped.

"Marty! What is this?!"

Aww, crap!

Marty turned and noticed Doc holding the letter.

"You'll find out in 30 years!" He stated.

Doc rushed up to him, "Marty! I already told you that knowing anything about the future could have disastrous consequences!" He sputtered.

Marty narrowed his eyes as a flash of lightning struck overhead, "That's a risk you'll have to take! You're life depends on it!"

"I'm sorry, but I refuse to accept the responsibility!"

At that, Doc tore up the envelope before anyone else could utter a word.

"Fine!" Marty yelled, getting desperate.

He hopped out of the DeLorean once again.

"I'll tell it to you straight! You're gonna-"

However, a loud bang interrupted the conversation.

All three of them turned to the clocktower.

"Great Scott!!!" Doc exclaimed, his hands rushing to his head.

A tree branch had fallen, and in the process, disconnected the cable.

"Oh, no!" Judy yelled, her head poking out.

"Quickly!" He spun around back to Marty, "Get the cable and come with me!"

Doc sped away toward the clocktower in a panicked frenzy.

Marty quickly ran up and grabbed the cable. His sister jumped out and helped him speed up the process.

They both waited anxiously as Doc made his way to the top of the clocktower, the intensity of the storm growing with each passing moment.

Doc threw down some rope, which Marty tied to the cable.

"Alright, Doc!" Marty gave a signal and Doc pulled the cable back up to him.

"Marty." Judy said, tugging at his jeans.

"What?" Marty asked, still watching the Doc.

"What about Doc? Are you gonna tell him what happened?"

He looked down at her, "Well-"

A loud toll from the clocktower suddenly erupted, causing them both to jump in surprise.

"Marty, go!" Doc yelled, quickly trying to fix the connection.

"But, Doc-!"

"Hurry! You only have 4 minutes left!"

Marty swept Judy into his grasp and sprang toward the DeLorean.

As soon as they got back inside, Judy repeated, "But what about Doc?"

Marty didn't respond, keeping his eyes on the clocktower.

"We'll save him." He tensed, tightening his grip on the steering wheel, "And I know exactly how."

The alarm went off, and Marty slammed on the gas.

The DeLorean took off and down the road, and Marty and Judy braced themselves.

Determined, he sped up.

Don't worry, Doc. We'll save you.

He looked at the meter.

87 mph.

"Come on! Almost there!"

At that moment, the lightning struck the clocktower.

Judy let out a squeal as she watched the blinding light come toward them.

Marty's gaze flickered to the pole and back.

"Hang on!" He yelled.

A bright light pulsed as the hook and cable made contact. In a flash, the DeLorean was gone.

Meanwhile, Doc watched in amazement as he saw nothing but a trail of fire in place where the time machine was just seconds before.

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