Chapter 1

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Hanni's pov:

"Argh why is dating so difficult?" I asked frustrated my best friend and layed my head on the table.

She chuckled "Another failed date?"

"Yeah... At this point I have lost count, they're so many!" I replied and took a sip of my coffee.

"Really? What happened this time?" She asked curiously.


"So, what do you do right now?" The girl across me asked.

"I'm currently studying law." I replied with a small smile.

"Oh that's amazing, you won't find easily law students these days!" She replied with the same smile.

Then she continued"And do you have any passions? Something that you love doing outside of your studies?"

"Oh yeah, I'm really passionate about cooking! I feel like I can express myself with all the combinations of ingredients I can use." I replied and took a bite of my steak.

Then she widened her eyes and quickly took out her phone. What is she going to do-

"Oh my gosh mom! Did you hear that? She can cook!" She said on her phone.


That was my date with Mama's girl.


"AAHAHAHAHHAHA" Y/n laughed out loud while I punched her arms annoyed.

"I wish I could've seen your face." She said and smiled and then fed me a piece of cake.

I took it from her hand and started sulking.

"You're such an ass." I rolled my eyes.

"Old news shortie." She winked.

"I'm not short, tall idiot!"

"Fine fine, then what did you do?" She asked.



"Psssssst" I tried to catch the attention of the waitress in front of the bush I was hiding.

"Miss what-" I cut her off quickly.

"I'll pay you extra if you accidentally drop water on my clothes." I said dead serious while my already failed date was talking with her mother and I was at the "bathroom".

She looked around like a lost kid for a second and then turned at me.

"Come on, everyone wants a tip!" I practically begged.

And she did!


"No cause did you really do that?" She asked and crossed her arms.

"I most certainly did! This girl was the biggest Mama's girl I've ever met, it felt like a live conversation!" I replied and laughed along with her.

"At least she wasn't like the one who took you to the movies. And you remember it was not the normal kind of movie..." She said and took her book from the counter.

Right, that was my date with Mrs. Insensitive.

"Or that date who ended up being my high school teacher! Who was married, with 3 children!" I said and shook my head in frustration.

Another fail with Old Casanova.

So this is me, Hanni Pham. A 18 year old law student with zero luck in love. Like literally a zero!

Every girl that approached me got an X from Y/n. Or she was simply just not my type.

"Ugh I'm done dating." I said and ate a donut that Y/n grabbed from the bakery before coming over to my house. She just let a chuckle and drank her coffee.

The girl I'm talking with right now is in fact Y/n. She might seem like a sweet girl but she's the biggest player.

You might be thinking, she's hot! And yup, you're not the only one who thinks that!

She has always been lucky with the ladies, especially after middle school. Countless, I mean c o u n t l e s s dates and still only hook ups.

Her good looks always gave her the benefits. The fact that she knows it, makes it even worse!

Don't make her appearance fool you, she's with someone else every 2 days in the best situation. So an advice would be... Stay away.

I'm not joking, me and our friends are the only stable women in her life.

She doesn't do relationships, like, not even once.

Someone might say she's in love with her studies and part time job. She's studying music and fine arts while being the bassist of our local group "Newjeans" in the evenings.

That's how she finds the ladies, she's got what we call W rizz.

She's introverted, funny and smart.

Her dream is to become a famous singer in the field and at the same time an underground artist known by the locals as "the talented young woman we observe".

"See that's why I always avoid relationships like the plague!" She said with a "you know I'm right" look.

"It's because you're a slutwhore not because you can't find anyone." I rolled my eyes again.

"Why choose only one dessert when you can have them all?" She sassed with a teasing smile.

"Did you just compare women to desserts?"

She faked a thinking look. " I might've."

"Sweet Jesus, you'll never change. You just haven't found the right one." I said while making eye contact with my dog before petting him.

"Or you're just very romantic." She rolled her eyes before crawling to my dog's height to pet him too.

"Anyway, when I say I'm done dating, I mean it." I said before taking my phone out of my pocket.

"Look! I even deleted my dating app!" I continued with a proud look.

"You're a nightmare Hanni." She sighed and shook her head in disbelief but with a small smile.

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