Chapter 3

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Y/N's pov:

Liars. Girls are liars. And I'm one of them.


H- huh? I'm here, but I'm with Hanni, I'm not hooking up with anyone tonight."

Hanni looked at me and smiled.

Then, she got up from my lap and opened the car door.

I did the same and then told her "I'll give you your gift later if you're a good girl." I told her and took her hand to seem like she's my date.

"Okay okay Casanova." She replied and laughed.

We rang the bell and waited till Chaewon appeared with a small black dress. Wow, she's stunning.

"Hello there, Y/n, Hanni." She smiled and gestured us to go inside.

"You guys came in the right timing!" She said and passed us a drink.

"Hanni, I have a friend who told me she's interested in you." She continued and pointed at a girl with long black hair.

"Oh, ain't that Sullyoon?" I asked them both as we all stared at her.

"Yeah! Yesterday she asked me if Hanni is single, because she's always with you, but I told her that you're just best friends." Chaewon replied to me.

"Oh? Is that so?" Hanni said and looked at me.

"What? Are you gonna go with her? You told me not to ditch you." I whispered. A little mad.

"Well, it's worth it a try, doesn't it?" She asked me and didn't even wait for my response, she just went to talk to her.

"Come on Y/n, cheer up." Chaewon said and took my hand.

I kept looking at Hanni with Sullyoon, they look like they're having fun. I can do that too Mrs.Pham, watch me.

Shit, she caught me looking at her. Then she approached me and excused us for a moment.

"Now that we're alone... What's wrong?" She asked me sincerely.

"Nothing Hanni,go." I pushed her away.

"No Y/n, don't do that." She pouted.

"Why don't you go speak with Giselle?" She pointed at the named girl with her friends.

"No, been there, done that. You know my rule."

"Never hook up twice with the same person". We said at the same time

"Yeah yeah Y/n, whatever. Now please go party, have fun. You look too depressed today. Chaewon is waiting for you. Just don't hook up with her, you promised."

She said and left, walked to Sullyoon and they began dancing.

I then went to Chaewon and asked her to dance.

I placed my hands on her waist and she grinned against me.

"So Y/n, what's with you now?" She asked and put her hands behind my neck, while I had mine on her slim waist.

"I'm having fun with a pretty girl now..." I replied boldly and lowered my hands to her hips level.

"Hm I wonder if that pretty girl is interesting to keep you here." She replied with a smirk.

"Well, she's very interesting." I empathized the word very.

"Wanna have a drink outside? We'll be alone, everybody else will stay inside." She suggested.

For some reasons I looked at Hanni and Sullyoon.

They were dancing and having fun. That's how it seems at least. I could recognize the way Hanni smiles when she has fun from miles.

I got mad. Don't know why. Maybe because she just ditched me? Then I looked at Chaewon, who looked like a snack and smiled.

"Lead the way, lady." I told her and she immediately grabbed my hand and a bottle of Tequila.

The backyard was quiet. Almost quiet enough for couples. We went to a spot where we could see the stars and layed on the bean bags.

She poured a drink for me and we made a long eye contact. Then she came closer to me and spoke.

"Wanna play a game?" She asked seductively.

"Mhm." I said relaxed.

"Great, let's play a game called Simon says."

"Should I start?" She asked and I nodded.

"Simon says... Come closer to me." I did.

"Simon says... Come even closer." I said and she did.

"Simon says, let me sit on your lap." She said and I quickly picked her up and she sat on my lap.

"Simon says... Tell me what you want from me." I said, daring to wait for her to tell me if she wants a hook up or a connection. If she wants the second one, goodbye.

"Well, I want your lips on mine, our bodies to collide and you screaming my name." She seductively whispered in my ear.

I didn't wait. I cupped her cheeks and pulled her closer than ever. I kissed her, not caring if I broke Hanni's promise. She broke it too right?

Chaewon moaned when my tongue fought for dominance.

"Y/n~ take me to my bedroom please, I need you." She begged.

I stopped kissing her, we got up and quickly run up the stairs of her house. We arrived to her bedroom, locked the door and did our thing.


Liar. I broke her promise. Fucking drink.

I wore my clothes and didn't even say goodbye to Chaewon. I needed to know where Hanni stayed. I was supposed to return her to her house.

Come on Han, pick up the phone.


Hm look who finally cared.


Hanni look I- I can explain.


Save it. Oh and in case you're worried or whatever, number 1) I'm sick, number 2) Sullyoon took me home, number 3) you're a liar.

She then hung up the phone.

I'm gonna make it up to her IMMEDIATELY.

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