Chapter 33

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Y/n's pov:

"Just come over! There are no crazy spiders like in the documentaries. I checked." Hanni rolled her eyes.

"And I double checked." Her dad eyed me.

"No way am I sleeping on the floor like that. Dad, can I just sleep on the couch?" I begged.

"You're gonna get a back pain!" He scolded.

"Yeah, because obviously, if she sleeps on the floor, she's gonna be perfectly fine in the morning!" Mom ironically said.

"Come on sweetie, you're gonna sleep with Hanni." She said and got another pillow for me to sleep on the bed.

Thank God mom exists too. Hanni, this damn idiot is mad at me and she wants me to sleep away. Why? I don't even know.

"Girls, I'll wake you up in the morning, we'll have a meeting and then decide where we're going. Beach, mountains, I don't know. You'll pick." Dad said before closing the door but mom pushed the door again before speaking.

"Y/n, did a mosquito bite you when we went out?I can give you some antihistamine." She said while looking at a certain spot on my collarbone.

"Uh- I don't need an antihistamine, I- I'll be fine!" I replied. My cheeks are probably red.

"Okay, good night girls!" And the door finally stopped opening back and forth.

"The collarbone isn't visible." I mocked Hanni.

"Y/n~ do you want an antihistamine baby, oh my poor girl, a mosquito ruined your life." Hanni mocked back and got in bed after turning away from my face and turned off the light.

"Seriously? Why are you even mad at me?" I complained and she just ignored me.

I groaned and turned away too to sleep but she suddenly got up and glued at me.

"No, no, no Y/n, I was messing with you, I love you." She whined as she wrapped her hands around my waist.

"Hm yeah, right. Goodnight PhamPham." I replied and with a content smile, you know that victorious grin after you get what you want? That one. I actually did fall asleep.

The next morning...

"Wake up" I mumbled and shaked her as she groaned.

"Wake up your dad will occupy the bathroom first." I mumbled again and as if I said the magic sentence, she got up and run to the bathroom.

I got up too and stretched before joining Hanni in the bathroom.

When I got in she was brushing her teeth.

Suddenly my eye caught a glimpse of the toothpaste.

I looked back at Hanni who was so concentrated in brushing her teeth like a maniac.

I let my intrusive thoughts win and got some toothpaste on my hand and before she could react, I put it in her nose and cheeks.

Not close to her eyes of course, I didn't want her to get a frickin infection for something dumb.

"Hmph Y/n! Are you serious?" She whispered yelled and I shushed her.

"Shut your mouth woman! Your parents are right next to your pretty mouth." I whispered as I looked outside for any sign of movement.

"Do you think I have a pretty mouth?" She suddenly smirked.

"No I said you look like a sack of shit fuck you." And then she started hitting me until I was pinned on the wall again.

"You either clean me up or I pin you on this Alaska cold wall without your shirt so you can suffer, I mean it's literally not a threat, you can choose with your own free will." She said with a face and looked at her nails.

"Fine, I'll clean your face." I scoffed.

To be honest, that was the whole point. To end up like that.

"I look like a mess." She whined as I wiped her cheeks.

"The prettiest mess." I nonchalantly mumbled and she punched my arm.

"Now, what did I do?" I asked confused and rubbed my arm.

"You keep the sweet talk like I'm some kind of bottom."

"Well, aren't you kinda?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Wanna try me?" She asked, it sounded more like a challenge.

"Sure." I replied without thinking.

"Girls... What are you doing so early here?" A sleepy voice said from outside and we both started cursing each other and panicking.

"D- dad! We're coming out in a minute! Wait! Y/n is brushing her teeth!" Hanni replied and I opened the sink water just to make it seem like I was indeed brushing my teeth.

"Fuck you." Hanni cursed me off while whispering.

"Later, now let's get out if we don't wanna get exposed." I replied and went outside as she followed...

Author: Hanni and Y/n are me and who fr.

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