Chapter 2

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Y/N's pov:

I know I'm known to be a whore but can you blame me? Just think having any girl you want and then no hard feelings after waking up without them.

And then there's Hanni, she's undeniably the sweetest girl I've ever met. That's why everyone is gonna use her. She's so thoughtful, genuine and she always thinks about the other's feelings.

Everyone wanna take advantage of that. I won't allow that till I die. I need to make sure the person she's with is worth her. She's a true treasure.

But now enough with this, I have to suggest something to her. I took a sip of my coffee while studying the theory of graffiti and looked at her across the table.

"So you know, I have this party to attend tonight." I started lightly, I bet she already knows the rest.

"Lemme guess, you want me to be your date again." She looked back at me with a sassy look.

"Come on PhamPham, you've done this before." I whined.

"Not in a million years am I doing that again, your hoes will murder me and you're probably gonna be hooking up with someone that moment." She gave me a disgusted look.

"I promise I'm not gonna ditch youuu." I kept insisting and then got up from my sit and went to her.

"And what am I gonna win?" She raised an eyebrow.

"My eternal love." I said and hugged her.

"I already have that one."

"Then I'll do whatever you want me to do for 24 hours."

It was at this moment that I knew I fucked up. She's gonna send me to the moon Jesus.

"Fine." She finally agreed.

I smiled proudly and then we continued studying, each of us different things but still together.

That night...

It was time to get ready for Chaewon's party. Eunchae told me I should go, because Chaewon definitely has a major crush on me.

Who am I to refuse to go? She's such a pretty girl.

I then texted Hanni to tell her I'm gonna pick her up shortly.

I then texted Hanni to tell her I'm gonna pick her up shortly

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(The outfit)

Then I got a notification, must be Hanni's response.


Hey there shortie, I'm picking you up in 10.


no u stink.


What a shame, I even got you a gift for coming with me.


I'll be waiting for u.

I laughed knowing this trick always succeeds. But for real though, I got her a gift.

A while ago she said she really wanted a YSL perfume.

So I immediately ordered her the YSL Libre perfume and it arrived today, just my luck. I didn't wanna tell her in the morning, it wouldn't be fun.

I took my car and parked it outside of her house. Then I just waited till I saw her locking her door and coming over.

"Hello my favourite girl." I smiled.

"Stop flirting with me what the heck." She made a disgusted face.

"Nah I'm not flirting, you are in fact my favourite." I started

"Ow, the others are hurt." She faked a crying look.

"They'll survive anyway, let's go!" I started the engine.

The ride was fun, everything is fun with Hanni. We had a blast listening to our favourite music. I knew she loved Backstreet boys so I put one of their albums and we just kept vibing.

"Stop the damn car Y/n, we've been doing circles around the neighborhood for the past 5 minutes." Hanni whined.

"Oh shit, I was vibing so much I forgot we've arrived." I'm unbelievable.

"Yah, did you really get me a gift or was it just a trick of yours again?" She looked at me with almost puppy eyes,who soon were filled with happiness because of my response.

"Of course I did Hanni." Before I could say anything else she squealed and sat on my lap on my seat from her excitement.

Then she started hugging me and thanking me non stop, she hadn't even seen what my gift was. I knew she was just excited that I really kept my promise.

I'll give it to her after the party. For now before going into that party, I'll just enjoy this moment, we're just like years ago.

This moment was ruined when my phone rang. I picked it up.

"Where are you!? Chaewon is thinking you stood her up. She literally threw a party just to hook up with you." Eunchae whispered-yelled because of the loud music.

"H- huh? I'm here, but I'm with Hanni, I'm not hooking up with anyone tonight."

Author: y'all I feel like I'm gonna update"They were roommates" after completing "Purely Pretending".

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