Chapter 5

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Y/N's pov:

After sleeping and cuddling Hanni asked me to go home. She reasoned that I need to study for tomorrow, since I skipped today for her.

She also said she wouldn't attend our band practice.I guess we'd miss our guitarist. Oh shit, just remembered I didn't give her the gift. I'm just gonna climb up her window and pass it to her real quick. (Such a clever move, dumbass.)

I drove to her house and climbed up the tree next to her room. It was really easy because of the stairs. When we were younger, her father and my father built us a treehouse to play there.


"Hey Y/n! Over here!" 10 year-old Hanni yelled from a tree.

"Huh? Hanni! You're gonna get hurt! Get down!" I yelled back looking at her.

"Getting down is for the weak people! This is our new house dummy!" She said and got down to grab my hand and take me up with her.

"Wow, this is actually so cool!" I said while taking a look at the view.

"I know right! Our fathers built it yesterday, when we were shopping with our mothers!" She cutely said with a smile.

"So cool! So, this is where we'll be living in the future?" I asked fascinated.

"Yes!! It's small but if we're glued to each other, we'll make space!" She replied and gave me a suffocating embrace for me to understand what she meant.

"Ohh great! The last one to get down buys cookies!" I tricked her and carefully started climbing down the stairs again.


I looked inside of her window because I didn't know if she was even there. Turns out she has her headphones on, she's studying again isn't she? This girl is a nerd even with a fever.

I had an evil idea... Why don't I scare her a bit?

I opened her window really easily, with the gift bag on my right hand. She hasn't understood a thing.

I went behind her and touched her arm.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" She yelled before turning around to see me laughing.

"Are you insane woman?" She asked me and pushed me on her bed to tickle me.

"Sorryyyy, stop tickling me!" I pleaded.

"No, you should've thought of the consequences fucker." She said and got on top of me to tickle my neck.

"You look pretty now." I said to stop her.

"Uh? What?" She looked shocked.

"Sike." I replied and smirked. Now I was the one tickling her.

"Noooo stop, what do you even want, I told you to go homeeee." She begged me to get up. She's too cute suffering like that.

"Okay okay, I brought you your gift. I had forgotten to give it to you. Hope you like it." I said and took the bag.

She opened it and her eyes started sparkling.

"Oh my gosh Y/n! You remembered?" She asked with a grateful and shocked look.

"Of course I did PhamPham!" She then did something that caught me completely off guard.

She kissed my cheek.

It wasn't the first time she did that but something today seemed different.

I don't know what I feel right now, my heart is warm all of a sudden.

It's definitely the happiness of gifting something to a loved one.

"Thank you so much Y/n, it means the world to me that you remember the little things I tell you." She said while looking in my eyes and having her hands laying comfortably on my arms.

"This is such a cute moment but what is Y/n doing here again...?" Hanni's father opened the door and asked.

We quickly pulled away like someone caught us making out and I awkwardly spoke because Hanni was like a frozen pole.

"Uh hello dad, I was just leaving."

Yes, I call him dad. Hanni and her family were my only family since my parents'death last year. They got killed in a car accident.

"Y/n, dear I was joking, have lunch with us." He smiled.

"Yeah Y/n have lunch with us, I've missed you in our table!" Another voice popped inside the room.

"Hey mom." Both me and Hanni said and turned our head and made eye contact with each other.

"Uh yeah, Y/n, stay. You suck at homework anyway." Hanni said with a teasing smile.

"Yah! Don't say that about my second daughter!" Her mother came to hug me, even though she saw me earlier today.

"You must have climbed up the treehouse! Am I right?" Dad smirked.

I laughed a bit," yeah!" I replied, thinking again about the memorie.

"Now kids! You must be starving! Come downstairs!" Mom scolded us for not eating and we got down at the table...

Author: I love this chapter

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