Chapter 25

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Third person's pov:

"Jeon! Pass the ball right!" A yell was heard.

Y/n was at football practice. It's been 3 since she met up with Jiwon and it was a day before the long awaited football match.

Y/n was not concentrated at all. She feels weird. Like her mind is spinning and going around every inch of the world but the stadium.

Y/n's pov:

"Yah Y/n what's wrong?" Yujin approached me when we took a break.

"Nothing's wrong, just waiting for a text." I said and pouted like a puppy waiting for it's owner to text it.

Hanni has been on my mind more than the normal amount recently.

I was drinking some water and before going to my position again the message I wanted popped up.


Good luck for your practice today, see you tomorrow at the match! I'll be in the front row! Love you<33


You're the best, love you.

And with that I was happy and energetic again to return.

"Y/n, you need to score at least once for the coach to let you be in the match as a key player." Rei reminded and patted my shoulder before returning to her position.

The coach had made me a center-forward. That means that the team's score kinda depends on me and the other center players.

The whistle blew from the edge of the field and the ball started running at our feet. We had split into two teams to practice for tomorrow's match against Yonsei University.

Fortunately, Rei and Yujin were on my team, so we could communicate more easily.

Rei passed the ball across from her to Yeji, who was across from me.

The ball was quickly at my feet and I was facing the other team's defense and the goalkeeper.

Luckily I'm not stupid and I scored at the right time, after some passes and triples.

My whole side was happy and we celebrated, I was especially happy that I would be a key player and Hanni would see me play.

After the match was over, the coach came up to me and said something that pissed me off but boosted my confidence, because we don't listen to assholes.

"Honestly, I didn't think you'd be able to pull of this position. You seem too weak." He said and stood against the iron bars.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I stated with an insulted face.

"You should, at least you don't let your personal life affect your playing." He said and patted my head before heading to the others girls.

I just stood there, sweaty, with a dirty uniform and a bottle of water, emotionless watching him go away.

I thought I was on his good side. Guess I didn't make a strong first impression.

At least now I succeeded on keeping my position.

"Earth to Y/n?" A girl said in front of me and shook her hand in front of my face.

"Oh Yeji, hey. I'm sorry I ignored you, I spaced out." I apologized.

She giggled and took her bag from the bench.

"Nah, it's nothing. Just wanted to congratulate you, you'll stand out a lot tomorrow. Many people come to watch the matches between universities." She said and shifted her gaze to the spectator seats.

Wow, people really do take an interest in these.

"And an advice, if you hear any offensive comments or something from the fans of the other team, don't mind them. Our last forward left the team because of the hate she got for scoring." She added and bid me goodbye.

After changing my clothes, all I wanted to do was go home and take a shower.

I waited for Yujin and Rei to change too and we walked to our transportation together.

"See you tomorrow girls. Also good luck to our new player." Rei teased and smiled.

"I'll need it." I smiled back and each of us returned to our houses.

I took a shower and layed in my bed. I then took out my phone and stared at the last message I sent to Hanni.

She had left me on read. I know we said we'd see each other tomorrow but I didn't wanna sleep without talking so I just video called her with no warning.

If she picks up, great. If she doesn't, I'll just do something else, even though I'm hoping for the first case.

"Wait a second, I need to change my clothes." A voice said from the line and closed the camera for a moment.

I just giggled and assured I'd wait.

"I'm back, how come you suddenly called?" She asked and positioned her camera on a comfortable spot on her knees.

I could see her baby blue quilt from the corner of the camera, so I suppose she got on bed too.

"I don't know... I kinda missed you and I wanted to see your face and sleep on call maybe." I said supposedly I hadn't thought about calling her in a while and it was a spur-of-the-moment decision.

"I missed your face too. So tell me, what happened today on practice?" She opened the topic.

I told her everything, from what the coach told me to Yeji's advice.

She thought for a while and then spoke. "Thank God Yeji warned you. If it weren't for her, I'd probably need to bring sedatives just in case." She chuckled and turned off the light on her stand next to the bed.

"I'm sleepy, but I don't wanna hang up." She said sleepishly.

"Let's just close the camera and sleep on call, like good old times. I'm sleepy too." I replied and got under the covers.

To tell the truth, I wasn't that sleepy. I needed to take an energy drink to keep up with practice today, so I was okay.

But I didn't wanna hang up anyway. I'd probably fall asleep too if Hanni did.

"Goodnight PhamPham." I said and closed my camera, before putting my phone on the stand but still on call.

"Goodnight Y/n, dream of me." After this, I'm sure I'll dream of her.

Just like that, when I thought it would be hard to fall asleep, I did in a span of 3 minutes.

Autor: They say that if you feel sleepy while talking with someone, your inner self feels safe with them. That's Y/n and Hanni ;')

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