Chapter 9

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!TW! Mentions of marriage!TW!

Y/N's pov:

After eating the pizza we made, we decided we'd have a movie marathon in my room.

In winter we need more than 1  blanket each, but because I didn't have more than 2, we had to be glued to each other for warmth along with the AC. (Yeah that's why you're cuddling hm hm)

"Okay, which movie should we start with?" I asked her and she picked up the iPad, so she could type the movie choice.

"I don't know, you pick." She said and looked at me with an innocent face. She's so cute bro.

"Okay, then." I said and picked up the iPad, then I found the movie I liked.

"Seriously? The Notebook?" She said with a semi disgusted face.

"Huh? This movie is the best." I defended.

"Notice how you're a player and watch movies with unconditional love." She chuckled.

"This type of love, is the love you'll never find. Imagine sending 365 letters to the person who broke your heart, just like that." I replied and sighed.

"Hm, in that case, you're right. This love doesn't exist." Hanni said and sat on her back, with a pillow behind her.

Throughout the movie there were many scenes where I felt myself getting red. I don't know why, but watching this kind of movie with my best friend seemed weird.

When the characters, Noah and Allie were having sex I looked to the side, noticing Hanni staring at me.

When I slowly moved my head to look at her we burst out laughing.

"Broooo, this scene makes me laugh when it shouldn't." She said and hit my arm.

"Imagine being a hopeless romantic and an anti romantic at the same time." I teased her and focused on the movie again while she just groaned in annoyance.

The movie was over and we were both crying a river. I still remember when I watched the movie with my mother, we had a panic attack from crying so much.

Maybe love is destined for people like them only. People who really act how their love wants.

Or maybe I'm just not the person who'll find a soulmate romantically, because I already got a platonic soulmate.

"Love is fake." I said and layed down.

"No, it's not fake. You just think that because you've never been in love." She said.

"And? Have you? Have you been in love Hanni?" I asked her with an innocent relaxed face.

"N- no! Of course not! You would've known already if I was in love!" She said a little defensive.

"Chill okay, I didn't ask if you've committed murder." I replied and laughed.

"Hey Hanni. Imagine we end up like them but not actually like them. Don't you remember our promise?" I asked her with a small smile.

"Of course I remember!" She smiled back.


3rd person's pov:

"Huh? Your parents got married when they were 18?? That's so cool." 11 year old Y/n was shocked with what Hanni told her.

"Yeah! They fell in love young!" Hanni replied with a silly smile.

"What if we never get married? I don't wanna die alone!" Y/n said and hugged her pillow.

They were currently observing Y/N's parents marriage pictures.

"If we don't fall in love just like my parents, when we are 25, let's get married!" Hanni said and clapped her hands in excitement.

"Wow! That's an amazing idea! I hope I marry you!" Y/n said facinated.

"It's a deal Y/n/n." Hanni said and picked up Y/n's pinky finger to attach it to her own.


Y/N's pov:

"The deal is still on. If I don't approve of anyone you wanna date, your wedding ring will have my name curved inside." I said with a chuckle.

"I don't mind. You're fun." Hanni said and picked up the iPad to choose our next movie for the marathon.

After crying so much, we just decided it would be better to choose between Comedy and Horror movies.

It's a miracle we like the same genres. The last thing I'd want is fighting with her for the movie genre.

"You know, you can be quite romantic, but with the wrong people." Hanni said nonchalantly, like she was thinking about this for a long time.

"Who's the wrong people? My hook-ups? I'm not romantic then, I'm horny." I replied seriously but we both laughed.

"No! Not them! Watch yourself talking about love with me here, watching romance movies!" She replied and hugged my duck plushie, which was the one she gifted me when we were 8 years old on my birthday.

"Who said you're one of the "wrong people"? You're different from anyone." I replied and checked my phone for any messages from friends or girls.

There were some dms from random girls around the campus that got my number from their friends but right now, I wasn't interested.

It was my night with my best friend. No one compared to her.

"Aw, pretty cute. I'm throwing up." She laughed.

"Be grateful you're special! There are many girls on my dms that would love your position!" I lectured her.

"No! You're mine!" She whined and hugged me.

"I am PhamPham." I hugged her back and felt her smile.

Author: Do y'all like those flashbacks? Bc thy are gonna appear often.

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