keefe foster

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"I can't believe that moron ran away again," Sophie muttered, her eyes on Mr. Forkle who was trying desperately to satisfy her needs. "What do you mean, you can't find him in the registry?"

"He took off his registry pendant, Miss Foster." He said, watching as Sophie's expression creased with focus.

"Is there some other way we can track him? Do your necklaces track anyone wearing them?"

"We wouldn't violate anyone's privacy like that, Miss Foster." Mr. Forkle said. "And Mr. Sencen didn't swear fealty to the Black Swan, he wouldn't have one anyway."

Sophie groaned into her hands, mumbling under her breath. Why such a sudden disappearance triggered her, she didn't know, but there was some bubbling dread in the pit of her stomach that told her the whole situation was against her in every way possible. Tear clouding her eyes, she sank to the floor, gripping it in support. Her eyes never left the piece of paper crumbled in the corner of the room, drawing most of her attention away from how closely Mr. Forkle was watching her.

It was like he could see something in her that she couldn't.

Like he knew something she didn't.

She rubbed her goosebumps and hoisted herself up. It wasn't unusual to have this moment of self-pity for herself, but this had depth to it.

As if her self-pity depended on getting Keefe back. Getting him back, safe in her arms with his head tucked into the crook of her neck. The way she would bury her head into his chest, hoping the warmth filling her up would wash away any resentment. Her breathing turned uneven and she held something from stopping her from falling.

She turned, realizing what she was gripping was Dex's arm. Jumping out of the way, she mumbled an apology. His eyes swept her tear-stained cheeks and to the paper on the floor. Something clicked inside of him and he wrapped his arms around her frail state.

"We'll get him back," Dex whispered when Sophie hiccuped at the sweet gesture. "I promise." He pulled back, attempting to lighten the mood. "Since when has Keefe ever gotten far in his pursuit to leave us?"

There was something about the word 'us' that he said differently like he wanted to switch it with something else.

Sophie met his gaze. "Can you track him down? I suspect he's in the Forbidden Cities and surely there's some tweaking you can do."

A soft smile spread across his dimpled face. "Of course." He got up. "There's nothing I wouldn't do to get your Lord Hunkyhair back."

♡⇐ Sokeefe Love ⇒♡

Several months later, Sophie couldn't help but lose hope. The whole operation was falling apart. Dex told her to keep her spirit alive, and she loved how dedicated he was, but she couldn't allow him to stay up all night just for her. He had insisted it was worth it, and the way his eyes lit up with excitement when he talked about how 'cute' it would be when they reunited was adorable.

Sophie felt it especially when one day, he knocked on her door in the middle of the night, a gadget in his hands that looked oddly similar to a laptop. Her slouched posture straightened when she realized the significance of the visit.

She grabbed his wrist, "You didn't."

"I did!" His smile could light up the whole night sky. "Freaking Keefe Sencen can't stay away from me no matter how hard he tries."

Sophie choked on the amount of enthusiasm in his words. They were going to do it. They were going to find Keefe.

Dex pulled her into the hall, clicking on his laptop for a moment before Sophie sat beside him. Her eyes adjusted to the bright screen, watching as Dex shuffled between tabs.

"This is the registry I've found that looks even remotely close to him." He showed her a handsome boy, his physical attributes complementing his blonde hair curled to perfection. The most prominent feature was his ice-blue stare which had so much hidden pain. "Looks like Keefe, doesn't it? Guess what, he decided to keep the first name."

"So it's Keefe... what?" Sophie asked, scanning the screen. She froze at his last name. "Wait— his full name is Keefe... Foster?"

Dex's laugh filled her ears as red blossomed on her cheeks.

He gasped for air in between his words, "Sophie— I can't— your face—"

"S-shut up, idiot!" Sophie backtracked her words when Dex raised his eyebrows at her. "Fine, extraordinarily smart idiot."

"Thank you," The grin was still evident when he flash-read the document. "He works as a model, he's eighteen, and lives in London."

"He doesn't look a day over 15," Sophie muttered, though the regret did make him look older. "We can find him now, can't we?"

"Yup," Dex shut his gadget down before turning to Sophie. There was something earnest in his eyes telling her that she had to understand what he met or they wouldn't get far.

"We have to convince him to come back. Not just take him away. We—you— can't afford to lose him again. So..." He bit his lip, a flash of wonder crossing his face. "I don't know if I'm the correct one to tell you this, but he likes you. A lot. And a part of the reason why he left was that he didn't have someone like you to support him through what he was going through."

His cheeks flushed when Sophie's eyebrows knitted together. "It's not that you have to do that— it just feels like the best course of action— don't stress about it—" He ran a hand through his hair. "Nevermind. That was stupid. Don't follow my advice."

Sophie blinked, still stuck on how Keefe would ever like her. Yeh, when he ran away last time, he put Love, Keefe, but that didn't mean anything. He had acted normally around her, just a little bit more to the joking side. Sophie gulped, rewinding memories of how insanely red she had gotten. Snippets flowed through her head, each one displaying his wide smirk and how he looked at her.

She stood up, startling Dex. The single emotion cruising around her heart, sitting on the couch behind them, she played with the pillow. The random lines overlapping each other on the pillow were exactly how she felt.

After a moment of deep intellection, her emotions showed mercy, and she was able to regain herself. Then felt the adrenaline rush through her. Then, with her imagination showing what a caring boyfriend Keefe would be, she couldn't help but enjoy it.

Dex nudged her knee, and Sophie looked up, "I think I've just found my motivation source again."

He smirked, nodding. "Having Keefe as your boyfriend is a very good motivational message."

♡⇐ Sokeefe Love ⇒♡

A/N: If you like platonic Dexphie, you're cool. 

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