snippets: flowers

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a/n: meaning of the flowers will give more depth to these snippets (or i hope) so refer to the image above to see it's symbolism ;]

 ♡⇐ Sokeefe Love ⇒♡

Keefe could see the pure joy radiating off Sophie as he spun her around. It was almost like looking into a mirror to see the same magical smile plastered on her lips.

Both young adults were carelessly dancing together in a small field, the grass becoming dull as the day transitioned to a late afternoon. The moon started to make it's appearance, it's dim white glow shining above their head. The light barely lit up the world around them, but neither of them seemed to care. Their partner alone accomplished that feat. Both just kept dancing to the music playing in their heads.

With Sophie's arms draped around his shoulder and his hands secured on her waist, Keefe felt on top of the world. He was with the girl he loved. The girl who he thought looked beautiful in anything, the girl who brought a new day of joy to every dawn, the girl who was his missing half, and the girl who completed his entire world.

Nothing could make him happier.

The two adults twirled in the light breeze, their laughs echoing through the empty air. Finally, they came to a rest. Keefe spun the younger girl once more before toppling onto the padded ground with her in his arms. Their legs tangled together, their faces close enough to share quick kisses.

Keefe sighed, a grin lasting on his lips. "I can't believe all of this is real, Foster."

"Yeah..." She cupped his face. "It all seems too good to be true, doesn't it?"

Sophie got up, but Keefe remained laying down, surveying her movements. He wanted to get up, he couldn't. It was the first time he had realized that the field was covered in poppies, their red petals dappled with dew drops. He watched quietly as her hand reached for one, ripping it from the soil and placing it on Keefe's chest.

"It all seems too good to be true, doesn't it?" She repeated.

Then, Keefe jerked upwards.

The first thing he noticed was the never-ending field, still full of poppies that ran through the green grass. But there was something missing. The blonde girl was nowhere in sight.

Keefe wanted to go look for her, wanting to find the answers to the questions in his head becuase, suddenly, everything was disorienting. But, then, as if a rock had hit him, the realization of reality came to him and he once again sank into the bundle of poppies that now not only took over the entirety of the field, but also the entirety of his mind.

♡⇐ Sokeefe Love ⇒♡ 

The nervousness inside of Sophie ran rampage as she lingered patiently in the hard gray stool of the airport. Her hands clutched the stiff handrails, pleading that the boy she had waited for the entire year hadn't backed out of, or forgotten about their promise. 

The promise made months ago swore that on the anniversary of their first introduction, they would meet again. The duo, Keefe and Sophie, had been friends for as long as they remembered, and stuck by each other's sides more than anyone else. When they first learned that they were being separated for their first year of college after spending their whole lives together, they were devastated. 

Not only were their many plans canceled, ones that took advantage of the new freedom they shared, but they were being torn apart, just mere weeks after they had made their relationship official. They shared their kiss under the treehouse they had created as young children and stood there an hour before their departures from not only their childhood lives, but also their beloved. 

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