love letter

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Dear Keefe, 

I never though we were ever going to be separated, but here we are, on two separate halves of the Earth. And to make it worse, we're not even talking to each other anymore. 

I've only heard good things about you. From your career  as an actor and model to your personality. There are thousands of girls out there wanting you right now, and I can't help but feel jealous that I could've been the one to snap them out of their imagination. That's me being a hypocrite, since I do that with you everyday. I write pages of romance which I had hoped would be us one day, instead they're a figment of my imagination. One that I don't think I'll ever experience with anyone else since no one fits the mold you, yourself, have made in my heart. 

I had hoped as time passed you would stop taking up so much of my mind, but I think the message reached the devil. Everyday I wish to see you next to me, helping me in whatever nightmare I was in, even if I was the nightmare itself. Though I'm not one in real life, surely I'm one in your imagination. 

I don't know what happened that day. I don't want to know what happened that day. All I know is that I must've done something unforgivable for you to break up with me just a month after we started dating. I thought it was the best month of your life, you told me that. But vows rarely come without lies laced into the words. 

I don't know how long it has been, it's easier not knowing how long I've been suffering. I tell both my head and heart to forget about you, it never works. I remember one day, you took me out to see the moon at night. I never had the chance to tell you, but I love the moon, and for some reasons, I love it even more after you left. 

I think it's becuase it reminds me of you. 

My love for it never dwindles, regardless of whether it's in the sky, or if it's replaced by the sun, I still love it the most. 

Yours Truly, Sophie Foster 

♡⇐ Sokeefe Love ⇒♡

Beloved Foster,

I don't know why I followed my dad's request when I broke up with you. I never did anything he said before, and I didn't know why this was different. All I knew was that whatever you went through after such an abrupt end to the most majestic chapter in my life was all thanks to me. And I deserved consequences. Consequences that you took for of me. 

I'm back to modeling, and I can feel how much I'm attached to it. It grants me so much, so many affirmations that I'm worth the space I take up. And I need that. Or I'll feel useless. With you, Foster, I didn't need it. You made me feel that I was enough for this cruel world. That no matter how merciless the world was, I would always find a haven in your arms. 

It would be a lie if I said I didn't read any of your books. They're masterpieces, I don't know how you capture love so clearly as ink on paper. I can practically feel everything the characters are feeling, every word either pains or overjoys my heart. But each page I flip makes me wonder who you replaced me with. I try to ignore how much it pains me, but even I can't deny the reality of it. 

I always told you how much you meant to me. You were probably sick of it. But I needed to make sure you knew the amount support you gave me. It was imaginary, how much love you could give to someone, but something about it must've been real since I remember how much it impacted me. I swore you were like my lucky charm, the single time I brought you to an award show, I won. It brought me so much joy to see the amount of excitement and rejoice on your face when my name was called, as if it was you winning. 

And it was that I never understood. For someone who was perfect in so many ways, you were so fixated on your flaws that you missed your every blessing. How perfect you looked in my eyes, how many times you avoided the shower of praise given to you. Instead, you thought you whole life depended on a single experience of being inconsiderate. 

Thing is, Foster, you could tell me every terrible thing you ever did and watch me continue to love you with all my heart. 

Love, Keefe

♡⇐ Sokeefe Love ⇒♡

A/N: I'll revisit the flaws later. Or never. Depends. 

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