Last Night part 2

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I keep trying to  

Leave but I'm always  

Drawn back to you. 

For some odd reason 

Though I don't know why 

I keep thinking you 

Might all of a sudden  

Forget about me 

But I know that  

Will never happen because 

I'm too valuable to you 

Because I think you need me 

Like a tulip needs the sun to grow  

Or how people need water to live. 

Maybe I'm wrong (ha naw)  

Maybe I've got our whole  

Relationship mixed up but  

When you wrap your arms around my waist 

And look me straight in the face 

I know that you have finally placed  

Me somewhere in your life as a priority 

Not just a hook-up  

Not just a fling 

But a something  

That will never be nothing  

So I can stop hunting  

For my Prince 

Because I know that you are it. 

So tonight will be different  

From last night.  

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