Middle school all over again pt2

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Hello i have been out of town today i am going home so might not post as much-Hope Davis

Draco's pov: ( i know a new one 😂) as much as i hate harry i have a feeling that he did not put his name in the goblet of fire. somthing is happening here at Hogwarts.it's almost most like when afo was chasing that stupid nerd. even though i am way cooler then him. And of course i miss the class even though most of them are dead. Honestly, I would do anything in the world to see that stupid nerd one more time. Even though I hate him kinda I guess."Draco Draco DRACO DRACO MALFOY."yells pansy " what what sorry I just zoned out."I say " well what where you thinking about malfoy." say pansy "nothing that concerns you extra" I say " I am leaving" " well where are you going." pansy asks " nowhere just out"I say. I swear sometimes she reminds me of raccoon eyes a little too much and I hate it but also love it I miss her to.

Harry's pov: as i was walking outside just going for a walk to process what happened the other day.I hear someone  " oi pottah." I instantly know who it is. " yes Malfoy"I say just normally nothing special." did you put your name in the goblet of fire." he says
" no I didn't" I say  " I knew it"Draco whispers to himself. " well then do you know who did it?"  " no." I answer his question " Izuku" and the voice is back. Draco just stands there frozen almost like he's been petrified. " Malfoy are you alright."I say  " y-yeah but do you know who izuku is?" Draco says as his voice cracks. I almost want to tell that it is me which is strange . " N-no why would you t-think that hahahah."I say nervously " ok then see you later potter." did he just say my name right?

Luna's pov: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter Talking Thats unusual.Maybe
they will become friends or more. I must get this info to Ginny she will love this.

Ron's pov: "I don't understand Harry has been so distant lately. where his friends when will he understand that. we can help him with anything. " I say "Ron just give him time."Hermione says " but he being so selfish" I say " Ronald he is not selfish he just has trouble asking for help he loves to give help but not receive it just like the worlds greatest hero" Hermione says
" who is the worlds greatest hero?"Ron asks " he is dead now but his name was Izuku midoriya more commonly known as Deku."Hermione answers

(The next day)

Harry's pov:
Everyone's whispering about me. God it just like middle school all over again ." hey Harry." Hermione says " god Hermione you scared me " I say " Harry are you sure your ok. your awfully jumpy lately."Hermione says "mhm" I say. I think my worst fear as of now is that someone will tell me to take a swan dive of the roof of the building. because I know I will burst out laughing. I'm scared of that because be they will be so confused.oh how you kacchan  have ruined me in Oh so many ways but you got to love him.as I walk into potions class I feel a set's of eyes lay on me. " yep just like middle school."I mumble to myself as I walk to my seat next to Ron. " hey Harry" Ron whispers to me " hello Ron" I whisper back.

Snape's pov:
Today we are learning about  blah blah blah.I suggest you read up on heroes. because next week we are going to talk about them .and I will ask you guys a bunch of questions on them understood. "Understood." the whole class Says. I never thought I'd say it but I miss denki. it is a good place for a nap though but I cant sleep when I let most of my kids die wait KIDS I meant students. Oh how I miss them I'm the worst teacher why am I still a teacher again?

Harry's pov: snape looks upset I will talk to him after class😁.I know he doesn't like me very much. but you know he still my teacher.

(After class)
"professor are you ok you look a little sad. is there anything I can help you with."I asked him.he gave me a Strang look it kinda looked like he was surprised and confused and sad and even a little scared " AHH sir I did not mean to make you uncomfortable" I said. he gave me a soft smile. " I am fine don't worry yourself." Snape said

(At lunch)
Still Harry's pov:I sit down with Ron and Hermione "where am I going to find a book about hero's. that where around like 5 million years ago."Ron says " in the library" Hermione says
"Hahahahhah is that what you think Ron you think that they where around 5 million years ago hahahaha. Ron there are still hero's today there just not making anymore because there number one hero died.  and the crime rate went way down but there are hero's but they are only in Japan now.and they weren't even around 250 years ago let alone 5 MILLION. " Harry how is it that you know so much about them." Hermione ask's " we'll you see you know how I have like a bunch of note books. well when I was younger I would take notes on hero's. (he still has his old note books some how😅) and now I take notes on almost any thing." I say " oh that makes sense" Ron says I'm so lucky to have my old note books.I will bring them to class but before I do that I will ask Snape if I can. because I don't want to get in trouble.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed it it was a lot of fun to write but I will but be posting as normally because my break just ended but any way there should be another chapter today or tomorrow so bye!
Word count- 1043
-Hope Davis

Mabye in another life (mha x hp)- hope DavisWhere stories live. Discover now