How do you know me

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Hello and this is the next chapter we will get to the main part soon hopefully but anygays enjoy -Hope Davis

(The next day)

Harry's pov: I will go ask professor if I can use my note book in class." professor Snape I have a question."I ask " yes Potter" he answers " when we talk about hero's. can I use my notebook because I have been writing stuff about them in my notebook." I ask  " yeah sure do whatever." Snape answers " thank you" I say as I walk to the common room I keep my head down low. and pretend that I don't hear them. but I don't really care. It will never get as bad as middle school hopefully. " Harry would you like to go on a walk with me." Hermione ask's me " sure I don't see why not"I say. " cool" she says " so what do you want to talk about." I ask " nothing really I just need a bit of help. with learning about hero's. do you know where the books are in the library." She asks me " I'm sorry Hermione I don't know. I just kinda go online. I know you have a phone so why not start with that. and I will look in the library Ok?" I say " yeah let's do that thank you Harry. I will see you tomorrow then."Hermione tells me " ok goodnight Hermione" I say. " goodnight Harry"Hermione says.
It is a good night for a walk so I just keep walking when all the sudden. " hello Harry my name is Luna." Luna says " oh hello how are you doing tonight."I ask " in doing quite good How about you."she asks " I am quite well thank you very much." I say "I must ask but did you put your name in the goblet of fire. I won't juge you if you did but if you didn't I may know who did it."she asks " I did not who do you think did" I say " this may be hard to hear but I think your father did it" she says I just stand there frozen I know what she mean but I have be sure " but my father is d-dead so I'm not sure what you mean." I say "oh I think you know what I mean IZUKU MIDORIYA" she says " h-how d-did y-you k-know" I say " oh I didn't I just took a guess because I am tsuyu asui. midoriya it's good to see you again." Tsu/Luna says " oh my god have you found anyone else it's. good to see you to I missed you so much tsu" I just hugged her. " i think I found Mina because Ginny loves drama. so I always try to find it for her. and I have a feeling Draco Malfoy is bakugo but I'm not sure. I'm almost positive about Ginny."she says " I can see it for Ginny. but MALFOY you know what I see it." I say "RIGHT! I also know that Dumbledore is nezu." she says " yeah I've know that sense first year." I say  " yeah that makes sense" tsu says " hey tsu did I ever tell you guys about middle school when we where at UA" I ask " only that you where bullied for being qurikless. and that bakugo was the main one. and that he said he was sorry .so yeah you did."she says " izuku it is geting late I am going to bed see you tomorrow" she says " Alright I will see you tomorrow I am also going to bed." I say

( the next day)

Ginny's pov: " GINNY!" Luna yelled
"Oh hello Luna."I said " do you know who Mina ashido is." Luna asked " yes I do what are getting at luna." I said " are you Mina ashido." luna asked.why would she think that I'm Mina. " I am not Mina though I was friends with her I am ochoco uraraka." I say " and I know you are tsu." I said " how did you   find out it was me." she asked " because you used to say ribbt sometimes and then say it was the hiccups."I answered "oh." Tsu / Luna said "do you know who and where Izuku midoriya is." Luna asked " no i do not but I have feeling he is in this school." I said " well your right about that he is Harry Potter."  Luna said " I knew it from the monument I saw him. I was like is that deku. so I just stood there and he just said hi I think he knew it was me." I say
" cool, I'm sorry I got to go. I will see you later bye" luna said " oh ok bye!" I yell as she watch's luna runs to class

Harry's pov: "hey deku" Ginny says in a whisper voice. " Ginny who are you"I whisper to her " I'mn ochoco urarak"she tells me " I knew it"I say " I have to go see you later" Ginny tells me " see you later" I say. The rest of the day was relatively normal. except I kept catching Malfoy looking at me it was very strange.But who cares. (me I do)until I when't back to the common room. Then there was chaos. " hey gu-"I tried to say.
" Harry we need help" everyone in the Gryffindor common room said. " with what" I asked. " we heard you know a lot about hero's."  seamus said " so we need you to give us some facts about them." Neville added " oh yeah I can do that. every one who has a phone pull it out. and research the worlds greatest heroes. And share your phone with the people who do not have one."I said.
(The next day)
Still Harry's pov;I hope I helped them. but I wonder why professor Snape wanted us to research heroes in the first place. but at least I know I'll get a good grade. I wonder if anyone else from class 1a is here in Hogwarts.
(At breakfast)
Hermione's pov: "Harry are you ok"I asked him " yeah yeah I'm fine how are you" Harry said " I'm great I learned a little bit about hero I think it is enough for this week"I said " oh yeah that's right this week is hero week" Ron says " Harry I heard you have some competition"I say " with who" Harry asks"Draco malfoy"I add " cool  I guess"

Thank you for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed if you want you can go read my other story " we meet again hero" it is a Rody's deku kinda thing so go read that if you want but anygays bye -Hope Davis

Word count-1123

Mabye in another life (mha x hp)- hope DavisWhere stories live. Discover now