Night flying

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Hello this chapter is going to be fun hopefully i hope you enjoy- Hope Davis

Harry's pov: I know I might seem paranoid but I really feel like something's not right like I've done this before like everything seems so familiar from the training with our quirks and calling each other by names we haven't heard in years or maybe it's that I got a crush on my enemy I don't know "izuku is it just me or do you feel like we've done this before" Luna says " i know I feel that too "I say " ah you know we need" pansy says " what" I ask " MUSIC" she yell " you know like old times in the dorms with all the music that is popular right now like queen, Metallica, ABBA, and Izuku's fav nirvana," " OMG YOUR RIGHT" I yell we so needed music "jirou put on the never mind album" I say " alright captain" she says " you know who I miss Melanie Martinez" Mina says " SAME i also miss, Penelope Scott," I say "Same I loved her songs" Luna said

( 3 hours later)
Still Harry's pov: " ok guys I think we should stop for tonight we can do this again tomorrow ok" I say "alright" everyone - izuku / Harry says I going to go flying with my broom I would just go with my quirk but I don't want to be caught ( also if you remember in one of the earlier chapters Harry said if you have a phone take it out and re-search how did they not know that Harry was a from the future because you couldn't do much with a phone back then) I grab my fire bolt and I know we aren't supposed to fly but I do not give a Fuck about getting in trouble anymore as was about to take off "HARRY" malfoy yells " yes Draco" I say " can I fly with you" he asks " sure what to race" i asks he smirks " always potter" he says " alright we will go to the dark forest and back ready.. set.. GO!" I yell and take off we flew over the black lake I did a couple of tricks to get used to my broom again " WHAT YOU TRYING TO SHOW OFF POTER" malfoy yelled form behind me " NAH JUST GET USED TO THE FLYING AGAIN" I yell " OK" he yells  I make it back first " Hah I won" I say " tsk whatever" Draco says " so you wanna just keep flying" I ask " cool then how are you and your nerdy friends" he asks " wow is this your way of trying to nice" I ask "so what if it is" he teases "well then I say to you that they are fine" I tell him " good then" Draco says "I MEAN I FONT CARE ABOUT THOSE EXTRAS" he yells " your katsuik bakugo aren't you" I ask "who's asking" he  asks me " izuku midorya is asking" I say " well then yes it is , I hate to say it deku but I miss the class" he admits " well your in luck we have a training group with all the girls from the class and Denki" I say "really that's amaizing" he says

Thank you guys for reading this I hope you enjoyed have a good day / night/ afternoon bye- Hope Davis
Word count -556

Mabye in another life (mha x hp)- hope DavisWhere stories live. Discover now