Hero class day two

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Hello this is going to be ine if the more angsty ones Hope you enjoy-Hope davis

(In harry's dream)
Harry's pov: I know I'm in a dream because there she is my grandma. nana the 7th user of one for all. "Grandma" I yell out to her. " Izuku you look different." nana says " Hey welcome back ninth!" everyone says - nana and all might. " hey guys were is all might?"I ask ,"he's in the school as a teacher" nana says.

(He woke up)
Damn it today is the second day of hero class. I wake up and think about the dream.I start to tear up and let one escape. "Damn it." I whisper, whatever let's just get ready.

(At breakfast)

I didn't even think about eating. I already feel like I'm going to throw up anyway. No need to eat and make that a possibility. " hey Izuku I don't have much time to talk but your getting one for all back so be a careful. And something else to but I can't tell what it is." Nana says "what" I say out loud. (😭I would die if that happened) "harry whats worng."Hermione says "nothing  I'll tell you later." I say " alright..."Hermione says

(Walking to class)

"Hey Harry you alright mate" Ron asks "yeah I'm fine." i say, I'm not fine I am terrified.

(In Snape's class)

I go to my seat next to Ron and just sit there until I hear. " today we are going to watch a clip. of deku and dynamite in the first war." Snape says, my eyes widen. What no we can't it's just no.
He pushes play as I sit there nervously. I-it's that clip no no no I can't watch this. I start breathing heavily and my vision blurs. Without thinking I stand up and run out of the room. I run to bathroom with myrtle in it. after second year i became friends with her. She is really nice and helpful. I move to the sink putting my hands on the sides for support.I slide down under the sink. I put my arms around my legs and pushed up against my chest. my head stuffed in my knees. I sat there crying for who know how long. " Harry are you alright." Myrtle asks " yeah." I say with my head in my knees. " Harry you should go back to class there probably looking for you." Myrtle says " I don't care." I say as numb as a voice can sound. I've always been able to do that . I can basically go numb show no emotion. When Your quirkless you need to know how to do that. "Do you want me to get Hermione or Ron or anyone?" Myrtle asks "no I'll be ok Myrtle. thank you though." I say " do you want to talk about it" Myrtle asks " sure I guess you might not get it though"i say ,explaining that I'm izuku and what happened blah blah blah. " oh wow that's a lot" myrtle say " yeah I know" i say " I should probably go I will see you soon." i say " alright" myrtle says

Thank you for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed it I know I did and if you have any ideas for that next chapter please don't hesitate to say them  I was to lazy to edit by the way but anygays have a good day night or afternoon bye everyone - Hope davis
Word count - 580

Mabye in another life (mha x hp)- hope DavisWhere stories live. Discover now