Hero class day 3

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Hello I hope your enjoying this story if you have any ideas please do not hesitate to give them to me I have some ideas but I could always use more -Hope Davis

Harry's pov: as I was walking out of Myrtle's bathroom. someone grabbed my arm. and i jumped back I never told anyone but I can't stand physical touch. it scares me more then voldy. (😂 voldy baldy) I look up to see that it was Snape with his normal expression. But with a bit of worry maybe. I know I'm in trouble but I can't tell him why I just ran out. " potter follow me"Snape says " yes sir." I say

(After they get in Snape's room)

" I know this won't fix anything but I'm sorry sir I have a reason for doing it b-" I say " well what is your reason" he says " I-I- I cant sigh I can't tell you so just give me a punishment." I say " alright you will have to write a essay about villains. from the time period that deku and dynamite. were in and share it in front of the class." Snape says " alright I can do that when is it due."I say, luckily I already have basically a whole notebook full of stuff about the villains. It should be done in 2 or 3 days. " tomorrow it is due tomorrow" he say " o-ok sir I get right to it" I say " potter not as your teacher. but someone who also live in the castle. are you alright" Snape ask's, this catches me off guard. because it not like people don't ask it's that he look like he is generally worried about me. " oh I'm yeah I'm ok I should be going now bye" I say as I walk out of the classroom. Something I hate is using my voice to say what I want I have always been bad at it it may be because of middle school I start writing my speech that's what I'm going to call it my villain speech ( you will not get to see it yet 😭 sorry) I got so distracted from the real world that I realized that I had 3 pages of writing. and that was I but to much but I guess I will use it all. or at least use what makes sense. It is 3am and I am still sorting through this.


Yes im done the perfect villain speech for class. and I'm not even tired yet oh it's 5am. I dont have time to sleep oh well. (Harry you need sleep 😭)
( when ron woke up)
"Oh good morning mate it's 6:30 why are you up we still have 30 minutes?" Ron asks " oh I've been up for awhile ("cough cough" Al night) so do you want some coffee?"(your inner Aizawa is showing .wait your 14 why are you drinking coffee I mean some people do.) " no I'm ok I don't need it I got good sleep last night" Ron says " good" I said , as we walk to breakfast I hear " izuku" someone say am I think it is Luna but she's in the great hall already so who is it. "Beep beep beep people attacking the school" the alarm blared I grab Luna ,Ginny and Hermione and run to Snape because he is the closest to us " we are going to fight just Send us out there please" I say " potter I cant do that" he says " oh well that's sad let's go see who it is then" I say "potter let me go with you if you must go" Snape says " no we will be ok thank though" I say " I am coming potter" Snape say Uruk it with Hermione Luna and Ginny with out a sound I also go really fast and get really excited because I got my quirk back " Harry you got your quirk back too" Luna says " yeah tsu I did" I say, when we get outside I freeze " w-what n-no" I say " izuku get inside you can't control your quirk yet" Hermione says " y-yeah good idea" I say I run inside and take the girls to Myrtle's bathroom " there still alive I thought you guys put them in jail or killed them." i say " izu after you died we couldn't kill them that's why where here because we died as well. They killed us" Luna says " they did I'm so sorry" I say " your fine deku-kun" Ginny say, " Harry is that you are you alright" Myrtle says " oh guys this is moaning Myrtle" I say " oh hello Myrtle I'm Luna" Luna says " MINA you I have tea" pansy yells " KYOUKA I HAVE PEOPLE IN HERE!" Myrtle yells " KYO YOUR PANSY!" Hermione yells " wait wait wait Momo" pansy say " well duh" Hermione says I sit there as I watch pansy run to kiss her girlfriend. I look towards Myrtle with a very excited look I wip out my phone and take only 50000000 pictures. " wait if your Momo then where these guys in 1a too?" Myrtle asks "yep I'm izuku midoriya or deku Luna is Tsuyu asui and Ginny is Ochaco uraraka." I say suddenly myrtles splits into two one is Mina and the other is hagakure " Toru I found more of them" mina says, but that no longer look like ghosts then look like mina and Toru the last time I saw them " so the lov is attacking the school isn't that lovely" I say sarcastically " no surprise there" mina says " I hear some quick turn back into Myrtle now" I say as there turn back into Myrtle "potter I thought I would find you here" Snape says " yeah I did want to fight so where getting ready" I say " wait... are you, come with me to the hall new person I do not know" Myrtle says

Myrtle's pov is that mr.Aizawa " hey so I want to know if you used to work at UA?" I say he look at me very surprised " yeah I did I'm shota aizawa me and Toru split apart " mr. Aizawa" I say as tears roll down my cheeks ( not those cheeks I know you where thinking it 😏) " Mina, Toru" aizawa cries as he pulls us in for a warm hug

Harry's pov(again i know I know): they walk back in with Snape I figure that they told him about my episode today

Thank you for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed I will not be putting p periods anymore because that makes it take longer to write im sorry if that bothers you -Hope Davis
Word count : 1113

Mabye in another life (mha x hp)- hope DavisWhere stories live. Discover now