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Hello how is your guys day going mine is going good but here is another chapter I hope you enjoy-Hope Davis

(After the weekend)

(Harry's pov)
Me, Ron and Hermione we all sitting down at the table eating. but I just wasn't eating. because I just could stop
Thinking about my mom . Like what is she doing with out me. " Harry Harry HARRY POTTER" Hermione yells "oh ah yes"I say " stop zoning out" she tells me " we have to go to class".

(Walking to class)
Me and Ron where just walking to class when of course malfoy came up to us. " potter you look tired what where up all night trying to find something about hero's."he says like he is taunting me. " oh shove off malfoy." Ron says, I don't really care what he says. because I know to much about hero's. " you know what though you do look tried Harry. how late where you up last night."Ron said " I'm not sure haha." I lie, I was up really late because I know we are going to learn about hero's today. and I'm scared about what we are going to learn about i scared I will cry or something. But anyways class was boring. I am absolutely terrified as me and Ron walk to Snape's class.we get to the classroom and we go to our seats. snape was not her yet. " hey mate are you ok your shaking:"Ron ask's,I didn't even realize I was shaking. " y-yeah I'm fine Ron just cold." I say " then next time Potter bring a coat"Snape says, that line reminds me of something but what is it. " sorry sir" I say quietly, " Ok so today is our first day learning about hero's" Snape says as I zone out ( 5 minutes later) "potter just because your In the tri-Wizard tournament , does not mean you do not have to pay attention in my class." He says " yes sir I'm sorry sir."I say, he goes back to teaching. until he says something that can just make attention " do you know the power duo. sometimes it was called the power trio. because sometimes there's three. and sometimes it was two. It was mostly two though."Snape says me and Malfoy's hands shoot up " Malfoy" Snape says " the power duo/trio has only one good member and that was Katsuki Bakugo. But they were the most powerful duo in existence. We don't care about the person in the third person he was weak." Malfoy says " that is not true they where equals with each other."I yell " potter if you have something to say then raise your hand" he says " sorry mr.aiz- I mean professor Snape."I say, malfoy and snape stared at me for around 10 seconds. before he continue teaching. I'm not sure why though. I zoned out again because my mind just couldn't stay when they were talking about how great all might was then how bad afo was. Especially because they don't know anything about their past especially shiggys or Dabi's and even toga's "mr. Potter sense you can't keep tuned in tothe conversation tell me what did you learn from the first and second war." he ask's " were all gonna die"I tell him " anything else" he asks " yeah I have a question what if the bad wasn't the bad guy?And what if the hero wasn't really good."I ask , he just stands there, staring at me, and I realized I've said these lines before to mr.aizawa. " I know that there are some really bad hero's but If your a villain you got to go to jail that's how it worked" he answers me " what if they were forced to be a villain because of who adopted them. what if they wanted to be hero but they couldn't."I said " alright potter that's enough" he said " no it's not fair there are not hero or villains there's just people who made the worng choice and couldn't change that fact because of the heroes. People can change just like katsuik bakugo did he used to hate izuku midoriya and then he would have sacrifices life for him but I bet he always would. And then you know what happened-." I say " ENOUGH get out class is over!" Snape yelled everyone left except me " potter I said GET OUT" he said again " No something's wrong and I want to help. and I want to know why you want to talk about heros in the first place." I say " there is nothing wrong just get out"he says, I walk out and I see Luna and Ginny staring at me. because Ron told them what happened. " hey Harry" they said " hey." I say " Harry are you ok."only Ginny ask's because Luna know the answer. and I think ginny does too. " yeah I'm fine" I say knowing that they know I'm not " I'm just going to go to bed" I say " but Harry we still have class"Ginny says " just tell them I feel sick or something."I say as I run away about to cry. Then boom I run into someone " ah sorry" I say " tch whatever" malfoy says as he extends a hand to help me.I take his hand and he starts to walk with me " so where you going"he asks " to bed" I say " so I was right you stayed up really late studying hero's" he says " no" I say quietly " then why where you up so late that you are going to bed at 1:30 in the afternoon" he asks " nothing you need to worry about" I tell him

(Snape's pov)
Potter is so much like him it hurts. I had to kick all of them out .I can't believe I let so many of them died. like how is that stupid grape still alive. the only reason I kept him in the class is so that I could watch him die.

(Harry's pov)
" malfoy do you know how this hatred for each other started"I ask " I never hated you" Draco says " oh well that's good because I never hated you either"I say " yeah yeah whatever nerd" I freeze " oi potter you good" he asks " y-yeah" I say " well since we don't hate each other we should be friends." I say smiling " ok" he says as he blushes a bit

And that's where we will end it I hope you liked I had a lot of fun writing it have a good day/night/afternoon bye!
Word count-1113
P.s sorry for any mistakes I did not feel like editing -Hope Davis

Mabye in another life (mha x hp)- hope DavisWhere stories live. Discover now