We found you

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Hello I know it took me a long time to post this but I am planning to post this every weekend
(The day before the dragon thing )

Harry's pov: ( In Harry's dream)
"Come on "ten ten" play with me!"izuku/harry said " not right now zuzu, I'm training" Tenko said (then he woke up)  what was that, I mean I know that was my brother. but still why am I having these dreams now. Whatever I'm just going to go out side. Sense mostly everyone went home for Christmas break. Thankfully I don't have too. As I was walking out of the school I bumped into Draco Malfoy. Of course the one person I didn't want to see. " are you alright extra." Draco says shyly as he extends his hand to help me up. I take his hand as I thank him "would you like to walk with me malfoy." I ask , why would I say that is so stupid of me. " oh y-yeah sure." he says.

Draco's pov: did he just ask me to walk with him? And did I just say yes?! Did I just help Harry freaking potter. What is happening to me! " malfoy are you alright." harry asked " oh yeah yeah I'm fine." I said, why dose he care anyways. it's not like we're friends or anything.

Harry's pov:
Malfoy is being nice today I wonder why . It doesn't really matter but it makes me smile. " what are you smiling about" malfoy ask's " oh nothing just thinking." I say " well what the hell are you thinking about!" Malfoy exclaims " is it me~" he says jokingly " what no!" I lie , ( I'm so cringing at myself right now) as we continue our walk we talk more and more. And I think some where in there we even laughed. And maybe just maybe we may be friends finally. " I have a question malfoy ummm do you want a truce?" I asked " really Harry Potter asking for a truce wow I never thought this day would come" malfoy said teasingly " w-well I um" I stutter " potter relax I'm just messing with you, I would love that."malfoy says " ok well then good." I say "Potter soon is Snape's second day of hero class are you ready?" malfoy asks " I'm more then ready." I say " yeah just don't explode like last time nerd" malfoy says " I did not explode" I say "yeah you did" malfoy argues

( The last day of break everone was back at Hogwarts )

Draco's pov: "who are you thinking about dary" pansy ask's " huh oh no one" I say " mhm sure" pansy answers.

(Later that night with Harry)

Harry's pov: I remember this one thing that aizawa sensei said to me. It was first year. And I saw some quirkless kid being bullied. And I got really mad and mr.aizawa didn't know why. So he said to me later on in the class room. " remember it is ok to not be ok. But it is never ok to suffer in silence." that will always stick with me. I still Wonder how he knew I wasn't doing so good. But I guess I'll never know. Tomorrow I am going to confront Hermione about being Momo. But I still don't have all the facts. I mean she would have to like someone like jirou. So who is like jirou at this school? What if no way this is bad. "LUNA GINNY ITS MHA BUSINESS." I yell "WHAT ok ok is it bad" they ask " no it's not bad ,well I guess it's not the best." I mutter " Harry HARRY just get to the point." They say " ok so you know Hermione might be Momo. well I was thinking that we need to find someone who is like jirou right." I say " yeah because they were dating." Luna / tsu says " yeah,so I was thinking who is like jirou. And that's when It gets bad the person who is like jirou is pansy. And that is not good" I say " oh yeah because Hermione hates her." Ginny /uraraka says " i hate who, and what are you talking about."Hermione asks " oh you hate pansy right. " ginny ask's Hermione blushes "no I don't hate her." Hermione says "you like her Momo" luna says.

Hermione's pov: maybe I do Like her wait but I can't because... (flashback) "hey Momo in our next life's we need to find each other and everyone but  not mineta." Jirou says. We both start laughing " yeah I think we should do that Kyo (a nickname for Kyouka jirou) your so smart." I say " Kyo... Kyouka.. Kyouka I love you always." (then they died and were reborn blah blah blah) ( end of flashback)

Luna's pov: I'm going to try something. "you like her Momo."I say " how... how do you know that name." Hermione says "are you momo Hermione." Luna asks " yeah but who are you."Hermione ask's " I am tsu over there is Ochaco and then izuku." I tell her

Hermione's pov: I Start to tear up as I hear the words come out of her mouth. I finally found some of my friends I can't believe it.

Harry's pov: we bought a phone for uraraka. It kinda funny because she is still poor. (damn Harry) and we decided to make a group chat for when we found people from 1A.or maybe even class 1B. Tomorrow was the second day of hero class. I pretty nervous for it but it has to be done.

Hello thank you for reading this i hope you have a good what ever you celebrate see you next time bye -Hope Davis
Word count:944

Mabye in another life (mha x hp)- hope DavisWhere stories live. Discover now