Y-your hair

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Hello welcome to this chapter i hope you enjoy this chapter

Harry's pov: I walk into Snape's class "mr. Potter no hats in class please take it off" Snape says I slowly take off my hat and everyone stares at me " why'd you dye your hair green" Ron asks " I just woke up with it" I stated " why is everyone looking at me like that have you never seen a guy with green hair before" I say " no it just-"Snape say " HARRY" Dumbledore yells " sigh yeah" I say " someone is here to see you"Dumbledore says " who is it" I say he dose not answer " HELLO" " there he is Mineta a guy you know from your time in class 1A" Dumbledore says " oh hell nah" I say backing up from him " why don't you come back to Japan with me midoriya" Mineta says " can I drop kid him" I ask " yes that's why your here" Dumbledore says " oh hell yeah" I say I drop kick him out of the school and go back to class it is the it is the last day of hero class I wounder if I will be able to sit through it and have a test on hero's I would ace it " so who was it"  Ron asks " some guy I used to know name Mineta I hate him" I say " oh me too" Ron says " you know who he is" I ask " well yeah" Ron says " I went to school with him" " Denki" I say " how did you know" Ron asks " you just said you went to school with him he is like in his 30s" I say " well then who are you " he asks " izuku midoriya at your service" i say " potter or Weasley sense you just love to talk name one underground hero" Snape says " Shota Aizawa  also know as Eraserhead" I say he just stares at me

Snape's pov: I really thought he wasn't gonna know

Draco's pov : he looks like izuku with that green hair he's so pretty oh shit I'm gay well I knew that but  seriously potter with the perfect life ugh

Harry's pov : I want sleep this is so boring Snape went back to teaching " in the second war the wonder duo died but one thing we should never forget is the hero Deku's kindness he wanted to save the villains but all for one killed him right as he was going save them that is why we hate all for one" Snape says I know about this what is Malfoy doing I wonder if he's as bored as me look over at him smiling at his phone dose he have a crush I mean his cheeks are kinda red I wonder who it is I frown I wish what no nevermind " we need to find bakugo for you don't we" Ron says teasingly " shut up" I say as my cheeks turn a pink color " have you found anyone else" ton asks " yes all the girls" I say " oh wow that's great"Ron says " yeah we will meet in the bathroom where myrtle is" I say happily " ok that sounds great" Ron says

(After class)

Still Harry's pov : "HARRY" Draco yell a smile crept onto my face " hello Malfoy how are you doing today" i ask " I'm good but let's talk about you and your hair" Draco says " did you dye it" " nah I just woke up with it" I say " well it looks really good on you it matches your eyes" Draco say " t-thank you" I say I can tell I am bright red and I know he notices because he starts laughing " s-shut up malfoy" I say  " Look at them Toru" Mina says  " there so cute" Toru says " I know right" pansy says " AH jirou when did you get here" Mina asks " a couple seconds ago" pansy says

Hello thank you for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed it because I did have a good day, night or afternoon see you next weekend bye - Hope Davis

Word count- 678

Mabye in another life (mha x hp)- hope DavisWhere stories live. Discover now