The battle

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Hello how are you guys today I'm sorry I didn't post last week I was just really tired but anyway enjoy-Hope Davis

Harry's pov: so maybe I was over reacting about being in serious danger but honestly when am I not also I found out that Cedric is Mirio so that's good but life

( time skip to the last tournament)
Still harrys pov: "this is kinda spooky" I said to my self ugh why dose danger sense keep going off like this sucks alright let's just get to the cup

(Once at the cup)

"Alright we are going to grab it together" i say to Cedric " yeah yeah let's do that" Cedric agrees once we get teleported to the sta- WAIT WHAT  how did we get teleported to this grave yard "Izuku where are we" mirio/Cedric asks "we are in a grave yard for... Tom Riddle.... MIRIO GET BACK TO THE PORT KEY!" I yell "OKAY" Mirio yells, petter pettigrew pops out and is like bye bye DEADRIC then I battle lord voldy baldy and I win duh then I take Mirios body with me I probably look like a wimp crying over his body but he was like one of my best friends that I didn't want to lose again suddenly the fake moody yeah I know he's fake I'm pretty sure he's Barty Crouch especially because he killed his dad "HELP IM GETTING KIDNAPPED" I screamed "HELP ME! PLEASE AIZAWA THIS MAN IS KIDNAPPING ME"I continue "SHUT UP KID!" Barty yells " I WILL FUCKING PUNCH THE SHIT OUT OF YOU BARTY" I yell " h-how do you know who I am" Barty asked "because I'm not stupid" I say "AIZAWA PLEASE I DONT WANT TO END UP LIKE FINNEY BLAKE" I yell "hey Harry you ok" Fred asks me as I get dragged away "NO, NO IM NOT IM GETTING KIDNA-" I tried to say but Barty covers my mouth the lays thing g I see before I get nocked out is Fred running the other way and before you all get worried I was just fine the teachers came in like 5 seconds after I woke up

Hi I'm so sorry I forgot to post this yesterday but at least it's out right I hope you enjoyed it love you all hope you have a great day/night/afternoon bye 😘-Hope Davis

Word count~ 401

Mabye in another life (mha x hp)- hope DavisWhere stories live. Discover now