Hero day 3

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Hello how are you guys doing today I hope your doing good this is another chapter - Hope Davis

Harry's pov: I really how they didn't tell him I don't want him to know but what's taking them so long shit shit shit they did tell didn't they " Hermione I'm going to sneak back to the dorms ok" I say " alright" Hermione says I pull out my invisibility cloak and put it over me I sneak out and when I get far enough I take it off and I bumped into someone " ah shit sorry" I say " what's with you and bumping into me scarhead" malfoy says " oh sorry malfoy I didn't see you" I say " it's fine where you going" malfoy asks " I'm going to the dorms" I say " oh alright" malfoy says " may I walk with the famous Harry Potter" malfoy asks, that made my heart flutter but I didn't say anything about it " oh I'm yeah sure" I say " good so how are you" he asks me " oh I'm good what about you" I say " I'm good"Draco says

With Mina and Toru/myrtle,Myrtle's pov: when we realized that Harry had left we went looking for him, expecting him to be in the common room. We walked towards that area. And then I saw Draco malfoy and Harry Potter walking together omg omg omg omg I run to Luna and Hermione "GUYS COME WITH ME I SAW SOMETHING VERY AMAZING" I yell " ok what what"Hermione says " yes what is it mina and toru"Luna / tsu say " just come with me" I say , they agree and we run to where I saw them " omg is that Harry and malfoy together not fighting" Hermione/ momo says " yeah I think it is" Ginny / uraraka says

Draco's pov: " Harry there are people watching us" I say,he blushes bright, red at me saying his name i chuckle at the raven haired boy " stop laughing" Harry yells " sorry tomato" I say teasingly " oh shut up malfoy" he says

Ginny's pov: omg omg omg it's just like bakugo and izuku well that is izuku so mabye that's bakugo " guys do you think malfoy is bakugo" I say with tears im my eyes "oh my god mabye wait I cant be oh my god I think he is but we can't tell Harry" Momo / Hermione says " why not" I say " because then he would feel guilty and think it was his fault for bakugos death because he doesn't know that bakugo  is dead" Ginny/ uraraka" I made sure of it" Ginny says " oh yeah I pretty sure he know I mean we pretty much all remember our deaths" Luna / tsu say  " but wouldn't that make it even harder to like him because we where all in the deku squad we know that he had a massive crush on bakugo"Momo says " I wasn't in the deku a squad but I did know bakugo had a crush on deku I had no idea that deku had a crush on him because he gets flustered around everyone" pansy/ jirou says "same"Mina says

Harry's pov: " Malfoy there still following us" I say " oh don't worry I know" malfoy replies " and Myrtle is with them" I say " oh really ok" malfoy says as we get to the common room i wait right inside because I going to scare them they open the door and "boo" I say "for fucks sakes izuku" Hermione says me and Ginny look at her with surprise " did you just swear" me and Ginny say " yeah is that a problem" Hermione says " no I just didn't expect it" I say " well I'm going to and you should too" Hermione says " i will" me and Ginny say I go to bed knowing that it is going to be the 4th hero day tomorrow we'll technically it's the third day I have to do my speech tomorrow  I lay in my bed and try to fall asleep and I do but I'm back with the past users " izuku you saw the lov today they don't know that your izuku but there going to be in class today because they are going to break in to the school and you have to let them I want them to hear your speech because it's amazing I'm they only one who thinks that that's why no one is here because they do not agree with it" nana says " ok" I say as I run to hug her because I know it's been hours so I probably going to wake up

1 hour later

Still Harry's pov: I woke up and got dress and go to breakfast I don't eat anything I find these days I don't eat much I think that's because of the Dursleys because this summer was extremely bad " hello Harry" Cedric says " hello" i says " can I sit here" Cedric ask's " sure" I says " by the way put your egg under water" he says "ok will do but do you need anything shouldn't you be with your girlfriend" I say " who oh my girlfriend nah your better" he says " you shouldn't say that she love you and if you don't like her you should break up I'm sure she'd understand" I say " oh I did because I like someone else" Cedric says " I can set you up with them who is it" i asks " um I'll tell you this weekend just met me in the library" he say " ok" I say ( oh your so clueless Harry) after breakfast I go to my classes and then it's the class I've been dreading potions with Snape  i get there 5 minutes early " professor when will I have to present to class" I ask "clash" i window broke in and the lov jumped in " SIT" Snape yelled the lov looked at him and sat down when pansy and Hermione got in here they saw them and looked at me we both shook our heads " potter over and going to give a speech about villains so it's very fitting that your here the lov" Snape said

I'm sorry I going to leave it on a cliffhanger. See you next weekend everyone I hope you enjoy this chapter I hope you have a good day night or afternoon bye - Hope Davis

Word count 1055

Mabye in another life (mha x hp)- hope DavisWhere stories live. Discover now