"Don't touch me!"

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Bold parts are Na'vi being spoken :)

Kiri steadied herself on the platform ahead of Eywa, awaiting her people, "I have called all of you here today to tell you what Eywa has shown me," the Na'vi looked at one another with puzzled expressions planted on their face, with an accompanying sense of fear, "a young conscious is joining us from the human world, though she is from a whole other reality." Heads twisted and turned and tails anxiously batted through the tense atmosphere. "This conscious was always meant to be with us, but a mishap happened that isn't for me to know. But what we do know is that she is Na'vi so we will treat her as such." Chatter erupted, all fascinated with the will of Eywa. "She will learn our ways, like a new-born baby and Eywa wants you, Neteyam to guide her". Kiri looked at her brother sternly and he obliged kindly without hesitation and with a hint of excitement, which was unexpected but welcomed. "She will grow from the ground directly beneath Eywa very soon" her arm directed all of the people's gaze to the designated spot below Eywa.

Crowds began to form close around the spot in front of their Home Tree, with Kiri and the Sully family in the centre, setting a boundary from where their soon to be expected Na'vi will grow. Shortly after, a beautiful glow of light turquoise started to pulsate through the vines and leaves, outlining  a shape of a gorgeous Na'vi. Woodsprites rested on the figure, as if to announce her arrival. 

The vines rose slowly and soon the new Na'vi opened her eyes placidly, the bioluminescence of the marks on her upper face gave light for those to see her long eyelashes and deep blue striped skin. For a long second, there was a silence that allowed her to peacefully get up and assess her surroundings. Gracefully turning to the Na'vi she saw a large amount of tall blue people staring at her with their wide golden eyes. Shouts and cheers sounded and she flinched, her eyes darting about looking for an explanation. A Na'vi touched her tail causing her to pull away, "Why does that feel so real?" Looking down at her hands, she noticed that she only had four fingers. Aggressively blinking, her eyes and glabella creased, and a frown grew. Confused by being able to feel the rubbing of her fingers, she felt inclined to feel her face, "What the... Why does it feel so real?"

More cheers were heard, her ears hastily moving to all directions possible to be able to interpret all of what was going on around her. Na'vi started to jump to behind her, touch her tail, hair, ears, anything that was in arms reach. "Get off me!" Trying to move away from them, she started to breathe heavily and shake. "Where am I?! Stop! Don't touch me!". The Sully family looked at each other helplessly while Neteyam had a scowl written across his face, "Stop it right now!" He firmly stood behind her with his arms out towards the people, "Back away! She is scared, try to understand her situation!" The Na'vi lowered their heads momentarily and began to reverse to their original places while Neteyam looked back at the poor girl, only to see her already looking at him from over her shoulder curiously. She thanked him with a smile and he accepted proudly with a thick accent that she didn't yet know of. His smile was cute to her, and he looked pretty; freckles on his face glowed and his skin had beautiful patterns on it. She analysed every part of him while his eyes remained contacted with hers, also processing her beauty.


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