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"You ready for the great iknimaya?" Neteyam poured water from a bowl, filling it up and then once again pouring it. Y/n watched how the light reflected on the waters curve, with every pour, and the splashes once it hit the water. "You know what, I think I am." He glanced up at her with a cute smile, his head tilting slightly and braids following, "That's good."

Tuk tapped Neteyam from behind him, "Can I come with you?" He looked at Tuk apologetically. "I'm sorry Tuk, but you're too young." She rolled her eyes, a habit she learned from Kiri, "fine." Walking away slowly with her head down, she stopped once she heard Neteyam speak again who was not able to bear upsetting her. "Wait... you can travel with us if you promise to go back when I say so." "Okay!" A big grin grew on her face and she made her way to y/n, and held her hand. Jumping up and down she cheered, "let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Neteyam and y/n looked each other, chuckling. Neteyam scratched his hairline. "Okay, okay. Come we need to get a direhorse." Y/n looked at him, confused, making Neteyam light-hearted titter "Direhorse." She slowly nodded, then they began to make their way together, Tuk holding both Y/n and Neteyam's hand.

"Up you go." Neteyam lifted his sister onto the direhorse effortlessly and got on himself, looking towards a smiling y/n, sitting on her horse. "You excited?" "Yep." "You should be," he gestured a soar motion in the air with his free hand, "we will be able to fly together." Y/n's horse started to move forward, Neteyam following after and a proud Tuk leaning on her, with her feet repeatedly bouncing on the side of their horse.


They finally reached the Hallelujah Mountains, and got off their horse. "This is it, Tuk. Thank you for travelling with us," he stroked the top of her hesitant head, "but you have to go back now." "You're very welcome, see you later... Good luck y/n!" She waved energetically and hopped away laughing at the small creatures running from her.

Neteyam looked at Y/n, and inclined his head towards the fixed direction. "It's time," they looked at all the young na'vi around, also waiting to complete the rite of passage, "and I'm not going to go easy on you." He lowered his head expectantly towards her, with a stern expression, Y/n doing the same, making him unable to hold back a smile. Immediately dropping it, he made his way to the front of the crowd and gave them their orders, as so Y/n could only assume. Y/n loved to see him like this, in control. But something she loved more was that she saw many more sides of him that no-one else had the honour of seeing. Without understanding, she suddenly noticed they started the journey. Contrasting the uneasy start of the process, it came to her so naturally; her feet glided strongly with every leap and stride along the moss infested land. Her body tauted when climbing the thick vines, which hung comfortably from the floating rocks. Looking around herself friskily, she could tell that she was in the lead, and almost as a reflex looked up for Neteyam's approval. Having not received at least any acknowledgement, she determinedly began to take herself even further up the vine.

Finally completely all of the parkour, she stood next to Neteyam, starting the line up. Neteyam, formerly seeing the Na'vi successfully follow him, progressed with the next part of their passage. "Good, now it's time for the hard part," he took wondering but confident steps around the group, "you will make your way through the waterfall and to the banshee rookery." He looked down, hiding a smile, "you will know it has picked you, when it tries to kill you." The na'vi looked to one another, while Y/n stood confidently from not understanding the commotion. 

He passed a cold hand behind her shoulder and ushered her to the waterfall. Due to the slippery texture of the minimal amount of rock, she leaned her back against the wall, and kept her feet as close it as possible. In good time, she reached the rookery and looked about, unsure of how to start the process. What seemed like all of ikran, shied away and flew away off with every step she took. Expressing how difficult she found this situation to be, she hissed, an action that she no longer had to think twice about. Without warning, an ikran hissed back and stumbled it's way towards with assertiveness. With great fear she took a couple hops back, not knowing what she did wrong. Upon hearing the threatening shrieks and cries of the ikran, Neteyam felt proud of Y/n, until he realised that he forgot to translate the affair of bonding with an ikran. "Shit." 

He swiftly leaped across the waterfall, ignoring the looks that passed between the group of Na'vi and shouted to Y/n, "that is your ikran! Tame her!" "What?!" "Just do it!" Not having enough time to explain, Neteyam forcefully pointed to the ikran, causing y/n to have it's full attention. Hissing from another strong feeling of annoyance, she swung her strong legs around the torso of the ikran, once successful throwing a rope around it's screaming mouth. She felt it's smooth thick skin as she pulled it's head towards her body, creating an aggressive curve of it's neck. Neteyam looked at her deeply, fascinated by her strength. Hastily grabbing her queue, she bonded with the ikran. It's wings stretched out from this sudden action, giving Y/n the chance to admire the streaks of orange and red covering slight areas of its light rose skin. After hearing it's cries Neteyam ordered Y/n, "fly! To seal the bond!" Seeing her worry, he had no choice but to reassure the hesitant girl, "remember, just think." Before Neteyam could raise his arms back down from pointing to his head, Y/n and her ikran took off. 

The wind danced through her braids, and she felt it caress her sleek skin. A smile turned into a cheer once she notice how fast they were going towards the busy water. Fly up. The ikran ascended back up to the sky, showing itself to the group which Neteyam was now back with. They celebrated her achievement and her gave her a shy thumbs up, paired with a bashful smile. Twirl around. After spinning in the air, they flew back out, exploring the beautiful, darkening sky.

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