"I'm so happy."

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Her blue feet sunk into the hydrated ground, etching towards a deer like creature. Neteyam touched the back of her forearm, gaining her attention, "okay, remember what we practiced." He slyly noticed the worried look swimming in y/n's eyes, she was probably recalling the previous failed kills. "Come here." Y/n came to face a relaxed Neteyam, who rested his hands on her shoulders and massaged them to a point of ease. Once pushing them down, he then motioned for her to raise her chest, "just breathe... do it with me." Placing a hand on her chest, and hers on his he began to breathe slowly and deeply, encouraging her to do the same. Y/n heartbeat fastened from his touch and her eyes wandered around his. Neteyam smiled secretively, proud he could make her heartbeat go to such a speed. "Okay, let's do it." He stepped back, giving y/n space as she fixed her posture and straightened her strong arms. The dark green leaves hanging above framed her vision and the droplets of rain fell down her face, grounding her. Feeling the firm grip of her arrow, and assessing her aim, she felt confident enough to let her arrow slip from her hold and shoot towards the creature. As a way to announce her success, a sharp sqauwk was heard and a flock of birds flew above their heads, causing y/n to look up. Neteyam jumped towards her, grabbing her shoulders, "you did it! I knew you would!" Y/n let herself chuckle and placed her hand on top Neteyam's. "Come, we need to complete it... you know what to do." They made their way to the animal, with its infrequent breathes and chest raising. All happiness of her success went once she saw it's suffering. Finding a better position to hold the knife, she steadied her knees below it's body, "Oel ngati kameie, ma tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo. Ngari hu Eywa salew tirea... tokx 'ì'awn... slu Na'viyä hapxì." Silence hung above them for a slight moment until Neteyam spoke, just when y/n looked at him with her beautiful wide eyes. "Perfect. You have one final test before you officially become na'vi," he raised one of his four-fingers sternly, "but, before then, we need to carry this back to the village. We will celebrate your first kill." Doing his same bashful grin, he once again touched her shoulder, slightly shaking it this time, not able to get enough of their touch.

The creature hovered above the ground, their hands holding two legs each. It moderately swayed with the wind, almost dancing to the sound of y/n and Neteyam's voices. "I'm feeling more and more na'vi everyday," "is it that a good thing?" "It's great!" Airy chuckles complimented the wispy chimes of the wind, due to their breathlessness of carrying a limp animal. "It'll be great once we get this back, right?" Neteyam lightly complained. Y/n chuckled lazily.

Approaching their village, the na'vi cheered once they saw the animal and heard that y/n managed to succeed with her kill. Many blue faces surrounded them and even began to help in moving the body to their gathering place from last night. The Sully family, interested to see what the bustle was about, lit up upon seeing the achievement y/n made. A small na'vi ran up to y/n, the baby of the family, "did you do that?" "Yes, I did." "Cool!" Giggling at her optimism, she looked over to Neteyam, who reciprocated the action, "that's Tuktirey, my baby sister." "She's adorable." Neytiri and Jake congratulated you, Neytiri then turning to her son, "she's ready." "Yes, she is." Cupping y/n's stripped cheek with her free hand, she told no one in particular, "a fast learner." Heading away, lightly tugging at Jake from holding his hand, she made a flashy look  towards y/n and Neteyam, to which Jake finally understood by showing his surprised expression. Making themselves busy, the couple grabbed the animal and set out getting it ready for dinner.

"That was bangin'" "Bangin?" "Yeah, it means really good, basically." "Hmm, bangin, I'll make sure to let my mother know." A light chuckle fell between them and Neteyam gently patted his knees, in time with the crackling of the fire. Passing his hand to y/n he stated, sensing her confusion, "I told you we're going to celebrate." A cheerful look was shared and he solidified her commitment to going with him by exclaiming, "let's go." 

They ran through the great trees, that were painted with a beautiful glow. They laughed when these flying disk-like creatures circled them, like they were trying to capture them in a trance. The gorgeous night sky embraced all, with it's stars giving light to everything around, encouraging it's bioluminescence. Neteyam looked back at the giggling girl, only to see she was once again already looking at him, with a wide winsome smile. They eventually made their way to what looked like a cave, hung with thick vines, and many dainty flowers covering most of it's area with the occasional help of a mushroom or two. "Here," Neteyam motioned y/n to follow him in. It was beautiful, it had a pond inside it and plenty of beautiful ground that lit up with every step that they took. The walls were painted with colourful moss and drips of solemn water echoed throughout it. "Woah," y/n looked up, lightly spinning about to take in all of her surroundings. "Neteyam," he looked up expectantly, "you seem to love ponds." He tittered, heading towards it. "Let's get in then." 

Once both in, they swished the water about, gazing at the colours the ripples of the water were  presenting them with. "This is my place, I come here as much as I can. To think, mostly." "I see why, it's very pretty." She looked around, coming to a slight shock once hers and Neteyam's tails accidentally touched. Glancing down, and only after looking up with his glistening eyes, he admitted, "you're very pretty." Their hearts both raced, and their skin felt hot, contrasting with the temperature of the pond. "Thankyou," she looked away smiling, not knowing how to deal with what was just said, from such a pretty boy. He reached for her chin and turned it back to face him, "don't look away, I want to see you." They scanned the detail of each other, y/n noticing Neteyam's scar on his cheek. "You're pretty too, if that helps." Deeply chuckling, he snaked his arm around y/n waist and pulled her closer to him, so that her legs rested over his, floating in the water. Raising her finger to his scar to stroke it she asked, "how did you get this?" After laying upon each others swooning eyes, he explained "when the sky people were here, me and Lo'ak had to keep look out while other na'vi took from their machines and vehicles that we shot down, you know guns and explosives..." Y/n gave him an assured nod. "Well, Lo'ak really wanted to go down and help... we got there but another flying machine came and shot at us with explosives, and basically I got in the middle of it all and flew up and got hurt." He drew is hand back down from doing a demonstration of what happened. "I'm sorry that you had to go through that." "It's okay, we can't change it," he leaned back against the rim of the pond, y/n doing the same, "besides, I think everything happens for a reason." "Me too." He and y/n enjoyed each others presence through a warm, comfortable silence. She drew patterns on Neteyam's chest, and he watched inquisitively. Y/n, curious of his mellow sigh, looked up into his pleasant yellow orbs. Their faces were drawn together, and Neteyam cupped her face and ran his fingers over it, exploring every curve, looking at each other hesitantly, foreign to such a strong feeling. Y/n laid her hand on Neteyam's, placing more force to his touch, so as to feel him more. Quickly glancing up and down from each others lips and eyes, they finally decided to give ease to the tension between them and join their lips together. Everything fell into place, as their lips moved with balance, harmony and an unspoken respect. His lips were soft and gentle, and invited a care of comfort, allowing y/n to fall into him completely. The vulnerability being shared between the two beings excited the world around them; the moss flashed it's colours with a dance, the water swayed rhythmically and the groups of mushrooms embraced each other. Everything held magic, and everything had awareness and life, a beauty that y/n always longed for. "You are perfect, this is perfect, I'm so happy." Y/n smiled humbly, taking this opportunity to catch her breath, which Neteyam gladly took away. "I'm happy too." They giggled before connecting to one another again, exploring the adrenaline that rushed through them, Neteyam stroking her skin, y/n wrapping her arms around his strong muscular back.

->-> I hope this is long enough and you enjoyed! Happy new year, may this year treat you well. Make memories that you'll thank yourself for later, and make a few that you can learn from. No regrets. <333

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