"What were they doing?"

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Y/n lifted herself by her striped arms, sighing while tilting her head back, letting the morning sun shape shadows on her pleased face. Hearing nature celebrate all around, made her think of last night. Looking over to where she thought Neteyam would be, she was upset to find that he wasn't there, admiring her like he usually would be. An assertive voice startled her, and she looked over to find him crouching on a branch above her, "let's go for a swim, before your big day... you're going to have your own ikran!" Neteyam gawked at her with an innocent excitement. "I wouldn't be so sure." Giving her a disappointed look, he argued, "don't doubt yourself." Rolling her golden eyes, y/n agreed. "Don't roll your eyes. I want to hear it." "I'm going to have my own ikran!" Y/n cheered her hand into a fist, raising it slightly. Neteyam nodded his head with a content smirk, "that's more like it."

He handed her a bowl of fruit. "I got an early start and got us these, try it." Y/n reached for the small, rounded fruit in his hand, looking up to his curious eyes and put it between her teeth. Biting down with ease, while still looking at him expectantly, she let the juices run down her mouth and chin, leading his widened eyes to her lips. Swiftly, he lowered himself down to her hammock and slowly crawled, positioning himself on top of her. Fitting her hand around his neck, she pulled his face closer to hers. He could taste the sweet fruit with every kiss shared until Lo'ak, Tuktirey, Kiri and Spider made their presence known on the same branch that Neteyam was previously on. "Bro!" Lo'ak and Spider said in unison, with different tones. "Oh shit!" Neteyam turned sharply, slightly hiding y/n, saving her from embarrassment. Kiri gently turned Tuktirey from them, "go find us flowers, we can make necklaces." Tuk peeped past Kiri to look at the couple again. "What were they doing?" With a disappointed sigh, Kiri gave her one last pat to set her on her way. Lo'ak and Spider were holding on to each other laughing, gasping for air, Lo'ak making fun of his sister in a squeaky voice and flappy arms, "What were they doing?" "Guys, shut up." Neteyam looked extremely flustered and Kiri noticed, "you two finish whatever that was, we'll meet you outside mothers tent." "Why?" "She wants to make y/n lunch." With a roll of her eyes, she dragged Spider and Lo'ak with her, both still giggling to each other. Now alone, they could finally face looking at each other again, Neteyam with a sorry look in his eyes. Y/n threw her head back laughing, earning a relieved smile from him. "Change of plans, we can't swim but," he tucked a beaded braid of hair behind y/n's ear, "my mother wants to make you lunch." Y/n tilted her head gleefully, "that is so sweet." Neteyam stood, grabbing y/n's hand, as they made their way to the tent. 

Neteyam looked about with shame once he approached his siblings, whom were sitting on the floor. Lo'ak and Spider carried on with their teasing, cupping one another's faces and making exaggerated smooching noises until the oldest brother shot them a stern look. Tuk got up suddenly, with Kiri's hand hovering behind her. "For you," looking down shyly, she raised up a beautiful necklace, made from individually picked flowers, "and brother." The couple bent down, letting the small na'vi place the necklaces over their heads. With the praise and thanks received from Neteyam and y/n, she smiled widely and skipped to the rest of the flower crafts resting in front of Kiri, who was already putting one on. "No, let me," Tuktirey whined with a pout. Kiri immediately gave it back to a much delighted Tuk. Hopping over to Lo'ak, she held up a necklace, another swinging on her arm. Lo'ak looked away, about to roll is eyes before Kiri nudged him harshly. Suddenly changing his attitude, he bent down to Tuk and smiled brightly, making the young na'vi jump with pride. Finally reaching Spider, she didn't have to say anything as he was already slightly bent over, with a followed up thanks. "Children it is ready." Neytiri poked her head out, grinning at her son and y/n. Tuk hurriedly grabbed the last two necklaces and hooped her way into the tent, Neytiri marvelling at them, "Can I wear one?" "I made it for you mama." Once everyone made their way in, Neteyam guided his hand to the back of y/n, causing her to look up at him with wonder-full eyes. "Let's go," he hinted his head towards the tent, his braids playing along with the motion in the wind. Y/n hummed and they began to make their way towards the assortment of beautiful smells.

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