"Things take time."

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"Y/n," Kiri stepped towards the fearful girl and noticed the confusion on her face while offering her a soft blanket, "I'm Kiri, I was told by our great mother about your arrival." Woodsprites danced around the two na'vi and Kiri passed her hands through the spaces between them, "this is your new home and I would like to talk in private about all of this... Is that alright?" Y/n studied the expression of Kiri, adjusting the blanket to cover her striped body more securley. She steadily reached for Kiri's hand and they walked through a path paved by the people, that led to a small tent with Neteyam and the rest of Sully family trailing behind them.

Y/n lifted the entrance to the tent, allowing an opening for her to duck through. Stepping outside, there wasn't much time between her looking at her surroundings and then spotting Neteyam leaning against a wood pole beside the tent, looking at her with interest. "So you will be teaching me the way of the Na'vi?" She made her way towards the tall blue boy. Looking down with an almost shy smile, his eyes led the rest of his head to face hers, "Yes, I will. We can start when you're ready, there's no rush." 

"Let's start now," her tail brushed the air, agreeing with her statement. "Okay, let's make you look," he gestured his arms in her direction sporadically, "more na'vi." 

"The blue isn't enough for you?" Y/n's cheeky smile was met with his smooth chuckle, causing her ears to heighten, wanting to hear more. "Come."

As it was still early ours, the sun wasn't yet greeting their land, so y/n was able to examine the true beauty of the stars for the first time. "Beautiful, aren't they?" Neteyam questioned, looking back with a kind smile, his hair slightly covering his wide, golden eyes. "Very." "My father used to live on that star there," he pointed to a bright star, "Earth." "That's where I come from". "Damn, my dad told us all about it, what his life was like... having to wear masks because of pollution and twenty billion people living on it." He rose his arms to the sky, expressing his surprise, "that's crazy!" Y/n doubted if she even existed on Earth, that wasn't what she remembered. "It wasn't like that when I lived there... what year was he there?" Neteyam came to a halt, turned around with a tilt to his head, "two thousand one hundred and fifty something, why?" He grabbed the sides of her arms and gently pulled her down to sit with him. "Oh wow, I was there in 2022, born in 2006." "Interesting... so you're from the same Earth, from different times, so in a way you're way older than him, but you're..." "Sixteen." His head nodded upwards and his arms crossed, "me too." They giggled until Neteyam suggested, "your hair... I could do it like mine? I could do it like Kiri's but because yours is longer it might look different..." "I like your hair." The corner of his mouth lifted and he instructed her to turn around to face away from him. He ran his fingers through her hair gently and gathered pieces with such a strong concentration and steadiness, you wouldn't think that his heart was racing abnormally faster than it should usually be. 

After or twenty or so minutes of comfortable silence, he heard her sigh. "I'm sorry, it is a long process but it will look nice once it's finished." "It's not that, it's just that everything here is new, I'm just now realising that I have to adjust well... or it's going to be very difficult." Her eyes acted out the exasperated tone in her voice. "It must be hard for you, but you'll learn everything in a good amount of time, especially since this is where you're meant to be." There was no answer or acknowledgement from the girl in front of him, encouraging him to try to lift her spirits, "Things take time," he looked over to the side of her head with anticipation, "I could teach you some na'vi phrases now, if you'd like?" She chuckled, letting him smile once again, "sure." 

"Kaltxì, that means hello." "Kaltxì". "Good, but more harsh in between, like this, kaltxì." "Kaltxì." "Very good! See you learn fast, you have nothing to worry about." Hearing her chuckle once again was a perfect reward. "Want to learn more?" "Yes, please."

For the rest of the morning they sat there, Neteyam gently playing with her hair, twisting it and braiding it into beautiful patterns, and incorporating beads that he thought she would find pretty, while encouraging and praising her na'vi and telling her about how his ikran. Y/n felt reassured with him, and felt herself wanting to please him and hear his chuckle. With the butterflies in her stomach, she was excited about this new, welcomed feeling and started to become intrigued about life on pandora, more specifically, his life on pandora.

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