"and I all of you."

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Y/n lifted her head from the ground, slightly slurring, then reached over for Neteyam. Patting harshly, she couldn't feel him nor see him as her eyes were tightly shut. She felt a hand slither around her torso, causing her to turn herself to face where she thought the hand come from. Slightly missing the destination of a dazed Neteyam, she felt him put a hand under her jaw and guide her head towards his. "Get up, we have to go." He roughly helped her up, not giving her any time to steady herself, "quickly, let's go." Dragging her along with him, he whisper-shouted to Lo'ak and Spider to follow them. 

Arriving at the family's resident, Neteyam aggressively pushed Lo'ak into his tent. "Fix yourself up bro," he jabbed a finger to his brother's chest, "you're gonna be with Tsireya's family later." "Tsireya?" Y/n looked up at Neteyam with her curious eyes. "Yeah, Tsireya... I told you about her." Saying bye to his brother and Spider, he scratched his head and brought Y/n with him to their tent. 

They laid down, Neteyam's head knocking on Y/n's, "sorry..." Sucking through his teeth, he pulled away a hair clinging to the side of Y/n's lips, clearing the way as to kiss them. He pecked her repeatedly, while she tittered and snaked her hands around his neck. Between each kiss she managed to get out, "okay - let's - nap - we - have - to - hunt - today." He groaned against her neck, rolling his eyes and eventually turning himself to lay on his back. "Goodnight," he smiled at Y/n sweetly. "Good morning," they chuckled while she embraced him to start their beauty sleep.

"Wake up my little babies," Neytiri lightly shook their shoulders, offering them a kind, wide smile when their kind, wide eyes met hers. "We have a hunt." The two, young Na'vi sat up slowly, sighing. "Come on, get ready. Eat up and we'll meet you outside." She passed them two bowls of fresh fruit, reminding them of that time on the hammock when they were rudely interrupted. They side-eyed each other smirking, soon immediately devouring the fruit bowls in front of them. Y/n passed her hands to her knees, dragging them down to her thighs, encouraging herself to get up. Neteyam soon followed, whacking her hand, making her whack his in return. Grabbing their bows, Neteyam looked at y/n's, "you know, you should carve your own soon." "Mhm, I will." "Today? After the hunt?" She nodded passionately, earning a pretty smile from him.

Walking out from the tent, they were met with a chatty Neytiri and Jake. The older couple looked at the younger couple, smiling at them fondly until Jake asked while gesturing with his towards y/n's bow, "you gonna carve your own soon?" "Yep, we're going after hunting." He nodded proudly while Neytiri started getting politely impatient, "come on! we don't want to miss the hunt." She skipped once in the direction of the hunt to silently start their journey, reminding Y/n of Tuk. The four Na'vi harmonized with their calls to their ikran, and mounted them with great speed and strength, soon ascending into the bright sky.

Y/n and Neteyam gently nudged each other's wings, Jake and Neytiri occasionally doing the same. "Y/n," Neteyam nodded his head towards a herd of wildebeest-like creatures. Y/n deepened her glare on the herd, getting into predator mode. Neteyam saw the change in her demeanor and wondered at her. She dived forwards, Neytiri beside her, while Jake and Neteyam flew to the either side of the herd to manage any fallout. Neytiri and Y/n shot their arrows with great force, their toned muscles carving shadows from the sun that was hanging purposefully above them. They let out a cry upon seeing their shots success, announcing the chase to Jake and Neteyam below them. Neteyam glided alongside a wildebeest, sliding an arrow into its chest from his bow, while Jake tripped two of the cows with one swipe of Bob's wing, letting Y/n and Neytiri shoot once again from above them. The confirmation that their hunt was over was shown once all the Na'vi sounded their cries again, causing the birds surrounding them to chorus. 

Neteyam and Y/n jumped down from their ikran and double high-fived each other, exclaiming their excitement. "Good job guys," Jake patted them on the back, with Neytiri chuckling while stroking Y/n's hair, "go, have fun carving from the tree." Jake and Neytiri gave each other a knowing looked and ushered them away. "What about the wildebeest?" Neteyam expressed his concern. "It's okay son, we will take them back, go!" They couple chuckled and began the transport of the animals, allowing Neteyam and Y/n to venture towards the tree. 

Given its massive size, there was a lot of the tree to choose from, yet Y/n felt the need to scope out all of it, to choose the right spot. Finally deciding on a secluded, untouched area she pointed, looking at Neteyam with her excited orbs. "Right here," Neteyam poked fun at her, "you sure? you need to walk around it one more time?" "Oh shush." She began her chipping at the wood, hesitant yet assertive with the way she was performing. Neteyam curved his hand around her wrist, guiding her to the correct form of carving from the tree, "it's like this... see." His hand brought hers up and down with a confident, strong grip that butterflies began to swirl in her stomach. His movements were smooth like the buttery essence of his voice, forcing her to lock her gaze on him, unable to look away for what felt like hours. Hours, so many blissful hours. "Y/n?" He smirked at her playfully, "you good?" Without any thought, she lustfully pulled him into a kiss, his eyebrows raising with surprise. "Y/n," he rubbed her shoulders in time with her hungry kisses, "what are we doing?" "I want you, Neteyam." Within a second, his expression changed into an assertive want, as if he was preying on her the way she preyed on the wildebeest. Snatching her up to her feet, he pulled her up onto his ikran and they flew to the tree of voices.

She admired his braids waving with each prowl of his body, while he extended their joined arms as to lead her through the bioluminescent vines to find the perfect, planned spot. As soon as he heard her beautiful giggle, he grew impatient and pulled her towards his body with such passion that he literally took her breath away. Without hesitation he smashed his lips on hers. They explored each other with an obvious, yet innocent desire that they had to retract for breaths. Reaching for her queue, he stared deep into her gleaming, dilated eyes and lightly nodded. Once earning a nod back, he felt confident to slowly join them together, eventually feeling every nerve of the queue join hers, like an acute electric shock. She felt her touch on him, and investigated this by running her fingers down every curve of his abs. Upon the overwhelming pleasure of the bond, he wrapped his arm around her hips and the other clasping to her neck. "Can I have you...Y/n, please?" Y/n was too decently overwhelmed to reply, that she had to be asked again, to finally have his voice in her attention. "You can have me, if you'll be mine...Please." His begging only fueled her need for him more, "yes, Neteyam. You can have all of me, and I all of you." The burning feelings in the pit of their stomachs needed to be relieved, and without question, they decided to attack them. Their lips explored every place of each other, fingers traced every inch of each other. Nothing could ever mimic the pleasure that the both of them were receiving, nor would they desire anything other than to.

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