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Jackie did not want to think. She focused on the feeling of her paw pads hitting the floor as they ran. Gosh she wished they could split up and search for Lucas separately, but that was a sure way to get them into trouble.

After a long stretch of nothing happening, a muscular man suddenly burst through a door and punched Clive in the side.

Patrick drew his gun, pointing it at the man.

"You make another move," Patrick said. "Just try."

The man made an amused smile. "This is what Seth gets for not letting more people into his confidence. He could've had guards at the front. More researchers in his lab. He touts his broader, larger organization, but -"

"Shut up," Clive said, sticking the barrel of his pistol into the man. "Take us to Seth."

"Take me to Melina first."

"Melina?" Clive asked. "You mean the woman who kidnapped Matt and Ashley so you could do this to them?"

He gestured to the two dogs. Matt growled slightly.

"Yeah," the man said candidly, "take me to her."

"We didn't see her," Patrick said.

"Liar," the man scowled. "You are lying. She's not answering her phone, or anything. You did something to her."

Matt barked, and began heading off down one hallway. Clive was confused for a moment, then nodded to the rest of the group to follow, making sure to keep their guns trained on the man. They found themselves at an open door, leading into a carpeted room.

With great revulsion, Jackie realized this was where Matt and Ashley had been held. There were dog beds, food bowls... and a place to relieve themselves. It was just.... how could someone do this to other people?

Then they heard a whimper in the corner, and noticed something.

A dog. A border collie. It sat amidst discarded pieces of clothes.

"Holy shit," Clive whispered.

Their hostage, oblivious to the threat of being shot, ran to the dog.

"Oh God!" he yelled. "What did they do to you?"

Jackie just... couldn't believe it. That dog... was Melina?

"You bastards!" the man yelled. "I'll -"

Before Clive or Patrick could even shoot, Matt pounced onto him, and bit him on the leg just above the ankle where skin was exposed. The man screamed and fell to the ground, but Matt held on. Jackie averted her eyes from the gruesome scene.

Patrick and Clive kept their guns on him as Matt released. He laid there prone on his stomach, breathing heavily. Matt patted the man's back pocket with a paw. Clive walked forward, pressing his gun against the man, then pulled out his wallet.

"An access card," Clive held up with satisfaction. He scratched Matt behind the ears. "Good boy."

Matt barked and wagged his tail. He did so happily, but... but for some reason seeing that blank look on Matt's face made Jackie feel sick.

Clive took away a few of the man's other things - his tablet, car keys - then went to what seemed to be the remains of Melina's clothes.

"Yep," Clive said, as Patrick trained his gun on the wounded man. Clive held up an ID. "Melina really became a dog."

He shook his head in disbelief.

"I just... I just can't believe how something like this could happen," Meagan said.

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