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"Oh? Y/n, when are you gonna get here?!" A feminine voice asked out through the phone the woman was holding against her ear as she walked out of her apartment

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"Oh? Y/n, when are you gonna get here?!" A feminine voice asked out through the phone the woman was holding against her ear as she walked out of her apartment. 

"Soon, Midori, I'm walking right now~" Y/n sang while locking her apartment door and making walking sounds which made the woman at the other side of the phone, Midori, let out a giggle, knowing what her friend was doing. 

"Whatever N/n~ I'll be here waiting for you, bye bye!" Midori giggled at Y/n's scoff, then hung up when Y/n hummed. 

She rubbed her forehead, as another head ache began. This was probably the thirteenth time she gained a headache this week. It worried her for sure but she continued to ignore it, but also took pills to get rid of it and will soon arrange an appointment to get herself checked. 

Y/n left the building with a grumble, her vision started to blur for a second but then it disappeared with just a blink. Grumbling curses under her breath at the noises many people made and the loud chatter, her thoughts and insults thrown at peoples ways came to a halt when somebody shouted. 

"Look! Fireworks!" She raised her head and widened her eyes to see fireworks up in the sky, in the daylight. How odd. 

She frowned at that and then shook her head, to then continue walking, ignoring the excited shouts and yells. 

"It's just a firework for fucks sake..." She sighed, after saying that little sentence she felt like she was gonna throw up. Widening her eyes she ran to the closest female or mixed bathroom. Throwing up in the toilet when she made it inside. 

Y/n shook her head and slowly stood up with a groan, her head spinning around like a roller coaster. Today's definitely one of her worst days ever. From a head ache to throwing up? She's dealt with worse but those were when she was at home and doing absolutely nothing. 

Now she has to deal with this in work, she'll probably call her boss and not go to the hospital as it is a big risk to go there with already unhealthy and ill patients. 

While she left the bathroom, it was very quiet. There were absolutely no loud chatters or just people in general. It was like a ghost town. As if everyone had disappeared into thin air. "What the fuck?.." She cursed out while looking around the city, it's completely empty. There was absolutely no life. It was like she was the only person there. 

She was in the middle of her thoughts but then a bright light appeared out of nowhere, blinding her eyes. She shut her eyes but soon opened them slowly to see texts. 

Welcome, players. The game will commence in a moment. 

Confused is definitely what Y/n currently is right now. "Game?" She scoffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest with a low grumble, she grew annoyed at this whole thing. Was this some supposed prank that included this whole city? 

As she let out another list of curses and insults the screen then changed. 

This way to the arena. 

Y/n furrowed her eye brows deeper but then continued to follow it with ease and hesitation. Would she find answers there? Were people gonna jump up and give her a jump scare? Exactly what was happening? 

When Y/n arrived she hesitantly followed the arrows, it came to a stop and Y/n looked closely. She was walking slowly while eyeing her surroundings, in case there was a trap. Inhaling deeply she was about to take another step but stopped to see a line of blue light. "Huh?" She let out as she observed it. 

Should I really enter? 

Shrugging her thoughts out she then stepped and noticed that there was a ding and the line turning red soon. 

"Three minutes until registration closes." 

𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ' (𝙖𝙞𝙗𝙭𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now