interesting | 03

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you were thinking deeply about the game, but then you were interrupted by the sound of electricity bolting and the sound of a human body falling in the water

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you were thinking deeply about the game, but then you were interrupted by the sound of electricity bolting and the sound of a human body falling in the water.

"what the fuck?" you mumbled in confusion. "did she just touch it?" you almost laughed in utter disbelief. you knew people here were both stupid, dumb and smart but to be this dumb to touch the electricity wires when everyone was just warned? that's a whole another level of stupidity.

you giggled and covered your mouth whike shaking your bdoy, catching the attention of everyone in the room. did you seriously find thid hilarious ? no but yes.

panic rose in the room as they realized what would happen. you watched in amusement though, that maniac like smike still on your lips as you watched the womans body float in the still rising water.

Ann seemed to be unbothered too by the situation and you grinned at that.

Tatta slowly panicked, telling Arisu to flip the switch for A. You along with some people in this room were also confused. Afterall diamonds aren't quite your thing in this world.

The water now was waist level and you couldn't help but gulp. you didn't mind dying at all. I mean, what really is the point when really in the end only one person can leave this world and then everyone has to redo all this again just to get one another out.

"Y/n!" arisu called out, catching you and everyone's attention. you heard some mumble 'so that's her name..' it made you scoff and look at arisu once again.

"Do you have any ideas?!" you gulped nervously and sighed, you knew Ann was only really trying to test the newbie. So you looked over at her snd she smirked at you. she wasn't here to test you so why was she looking at you and arisu like that? well this is the first game you had with kuina and ann...

"hm, leave the door closed and flip the switch to a. then leave it like that for maybe a minute or less..." arisu and the others except ann looked at you like you were insane.

"what?! are you crazy?!" one of the players shouted at you, clutching their phone close to them as they screamed at you. you rolled your eyes and looked at him with boredom.

Arisu seemed to be catching on what you were saying so he told everyone to do just as you told them to or else everyone's gonna die.

arisu flipped the switch and left it like that, he eyed you. and you gave the mab a little smile and wave. you liked arisu. he's clever and can understand very quickly. you liked people like that.

most began to panic as the water was now touching the top of your bodies. with a height like yours, you were gonna be hidden under the water within seconds.

you signalled for arisu to flip the switch once again and told them to open the door. arisu then flipped the other switch, the light bulb not turning on.

ann smirked and watched as you and arosu communicated without speaking.

"kuina touch the bulb!" he ordered for her, she did it with hesitation but then as she touched it she took a step back with a hiss, yelling a "it's hot!"

this made ann, you, and arisu smile. the answer is A.

you let out a sigh and relaxed your shoulders. ann and arisu looked at you, along with kuina and tatta.

your phone vibrated in your pocket and you fished it out while letting out yet another sigh. arisu explained the others of what your idea or plan was, you didn't bother to listen and just walked out of the room with trouble as you were afterall 5'4".

while you walked out, arisu along with the others ran behind you. arisu and kuina along with tatta were debating wether to go up to you or not. ann looked at you with interest and curiosity.

as much as diamonds weren't your thing, this one was easiest diamond game you've ever played.

"y/n!" you hear arisu call for you, you stopped and looked at him with a brow quirked up. "you figured it out so easily!  how?" the question made you furrow your eyebrows.

"you just explained it to everyone back there arisu." he pursed his lips and nodded his head while still looking at you. "you seem to be really good with these type of games, is diamonds your speciality?" this made you laugh, making the others shocked, your laugh was actually genuine for the first time. you caught yourself and immediately stopped laughing while clearing your throat.

"ah, well, truth be told, I'm not bad at diamond games but it's not my speciality," you paused and looked up at the sky, "I suck at diamond games actually, not my thing, this one was just easy." your answer caused everyone to look at you with their mouth agape.

"so then... what's your speciality?" tatta joined in the conversation, his eyebrows furrowed in interest. everyone listened to their conversation intently.

"hearts." ann knew this but she didn't know you weren't good at diamonds. she simply assumed you were good at every single one. hell if you guys finally finished getting those cards and have to face the face cards she would think youd be able to pass all of them.

"just like mira..." tatta mumbled, his eyes on the ground as all of you guys continued walking towards the car. you hummed at tatta, then hopped in the car as you let out a satisfied hum.

arisu and kuina sat beside you. you didn't mind it nor did you even care. but you found it rather odd for kuina to suddenly sit beside you, you thought the woman hated you. she probably does.

"you're interesting y/n." kuina let out, surprising you. you've never heard anyone say that to you other than your old best friend Midori and your other best friend Erusa.

with this little sentence kuina let out, many memories were brought back to you. you forced yourself to forget about them yet it seemed to never work. you felt your eyes getting glossy and you scoffed while blinking rapidly.

arisu and kuina gave you a side eye, somewhat worried.

"is that so?" you replied back, trying to 'lighten' up the mood. kuina hummed in response. "how?" everyone turned their heads towards you, at your question.

"the way you figured out the answer to the game we just played so quickly, you always seem so calm, way too calm, with everything, you barely show any emotion, you seem to catch everyone's attention without doing anything."

you couldn't help but let out a laugh. not expecting such an answer.

"and you laugh at anything... everything..." tatta added on in a whisper. this made you look at him with a quirked brow.

the car stopped making you sigh in relief. arisu was about to say something but you already had scrambled out of the car quickly.

when leaving the car you started to basically run to your room, but as you soon arrived inside the beach you started to slow down your pace but still continued to walk quickly to your room.

you weren't watching where you were going though, so you accidently bumped into someone quite roughly. it made you stumble back but you ignored this and tried to get away with just a mumble of a sorry. Though this very person had different plans.

"Why in such a rush Y/n?" you knew and recognized this voice all too well. Niragi.

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