check ups? | 31

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she casually walked through the halls of the hospital and made her way towards the  vending machine while humming along to the music that blasted through her ears

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she casually walked through the halls of the hospital and made her way towards the vending machine while humming along to the music that blasted through her ears. she didn't notice the two figures that were already there, talking to each other while chuckling and drinking.

after she had grabbed her drink she turned around to find the two staring at her and she watched in confusion and waved at them awkwardly. she looked down at her phone to find a message from midori.


her eyes widened and she looked up to find her siblings and daisuke right there. glaring dagger at her. the two looked back to find three people, yelling at y/n and she gulped before running off.

"y/n! get back here!" y/n heard her sister yell out and y/n only shook her head. she then continued to run but bumped into somebody, she looked up fast to see a woman with braids and one with short hair, she gave them a awkward smile before apologizing and running off. the two women looked up to find arisu and usagi running after the three. looking at each other they blocked the path and watched as the three watched in confusion and annoyance.

"get out of the way!" their yells were heard from where y/n watched in amusement, she took this time to record and picture it. laughing but then her smile dropped to find daisuke shove them out of the way and running towards y/n.

she ran as fast as she could but her legs started to throb and daisuke had gotten faster, making y/n slightly panic but a laugh made it's way out of her mouth. she looked back to find him so close. it made her eyes widen, she tried to run faster but she needed a break. her hair was snatched, making her yelp in pain and get dragged to the floor. "fuck you daisuke!" y/n screeched while trying to get the man off of her. he gripped onto her wrist and she tried to use her legs but he stopped it with his own legs.

before he could even utter a word in, he was tackled to the ground by the man she saw in the room with the blonde. she huffed out and started to slowly stand up. "let go of me you asshole! do you even know who i am?!" y/n snickered and took her drink to then pour it all over daisuke. he widened his eyes and started to go crazy. screaming and yelling insults thrown at her and the man that held him down.

she scoffed and took a phone, "the crazy person is back and he's trying to attack me and- what's your name?" she noticed his jaw clench at the question which made her confused but ignored it, he had sighed and answered, "niragi." nodding her head she then continued on with the call, "me and niragi. also please don't let this guy come over here again along with suzuki yuina and l/n suoh. thank you." with that she hung up and sighed.

"y/n! you're my wife listen to your husband you bitch!" everyone scowled at his words and all y/n could do was laugh dryly and said, "ah uh, not your wife and never will be! not my husband and never will be! get that into your small brain, hm? it'll do you some good." she heard snickering behind her and the man known as niragi also chuckling.

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