next stage | 14

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it has been a day or two since the witch hunt

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it has been a day or two since the witch hunt. y/n slowly healing with the help of chishiya, and her other friends helping her out. y/n grew bored each hour or minute that passed. it frustrated her and made her wanna step out of this tent and get out to breathe the fresh air, look for things that are interesting. 

it was definitely odd as y/n was one to only want to ever stay in bed or something other than going outside. groaning y/n glared at the top of the tent while then looking over at her stomach and shoulder, wrapped up well. 

she was gonna be brutally honest, she hated the way she couldn't take care of herself and had to have her own friends take care of her. it made her annoyed somehow of her own self because she couldn't take care of herself. she could have dodged the bullet if she moved fast enough but no. groaning in annoyance y/n threw her head back and groaned once again.

nobody knew when the second stage would start and y/n's been wanting to play for a while. she found it interesting but now that it's the face cards then things will probably only be much more difficult than ever before. 

while she was deep in thought arisu came in the tent and checked on the poor woman. 

"everything good y/n?" y/n nodded her head in annoyance and grumbled, "can i go outside now? i feel wonderful! and my wounds are not at all hurting anymore." arisu only looked at her with furrowed eyebrows and sighed, "let me check on them again." nodding her head, arisu made his way closer to the female. 

his cheeks slightly reddening and heating up at the close distance between the two. he looked over at her shoulder and examined it before humming and looking over her covered stomach. arisu 's gaze looked up at y/n and she just hummed before bringing her shirt up, showing her nude stomach. 

after looking over for a second he nodded his head with a sigh. "you need help getting out?" y/n shook her head and the man hummed before leaving the tent first, y/n following behind him. though her wounds did ache, she ignored it with a hums and biting her tongue from making any noise. 

arisu looked over at her in worry for the woman as she only gave him a forced smile. 

taking a deep breath of the air y/n grinned and looked around, green everywhere. it made her grin wider, a hum escaping her lips at the beautiful scenery. 

"you should probably change off of that, heard the next stage is gonna start soon." y/n heard kuina and looked over at her with a faint smile, nodding her head y/n went back to the tent with a groan. looking at the pair of clothes laid out and humming before closing the tent and changing into them. putting on socks and a pair of shoes she found in the mall. 

y/n checked her wound with a grunt and slightly was stressing out. it still hurt and the next stage was already gonna start, how exciting... after changing y/n sat on the floor, looking around, she then made eye contact with the blonde and gave him a nod. 

a day ago chishiya had told y/n that she had pneumonia and y/n already knew but then she found out that he was also reding that book for her. he had watched her from a close or far distance, making sure she rested and drink water, it was hard to find but they managed to find it. 


the five of them stood in front of the screen as it read next stage, start 

"where the fuck is the game?..." y/n asked in boredom while laying on the road with kuina by her side, the two leaning against each other. kuina's cheeks reddened and her heart beat quickened. chishiya looking over at her with narrowed eyes, only earning a smirk and a wink from kuina. 

"has it been an hour yet?" usagi asked while looking around. "they must have not pressed the start button yet." chishiya said while he shoved his hands into his pockets, looking over at y/n once more. 

just then more people came to where they were. all looking at the injured girl, with slightly widen eyes. they then shifted their gaze over to the others and gulped. arisu making conversation with them, y/n was about to lay down on the road once again but then a gunshot was heard, making everyone flinch and widen their eyes at the dead body on the floor. 

more people getting shot and killed, y/n widened her eyes even more and started to get up, kuina immediately grabbing her hand and dragging her along. 

"it's an anti tank rifle." chishiya mumbled while walking with his hands still in his pockets. y/n looked at him as if he was crazy. sure y/n stayed calm and unbothered with many things but this? 

before y/n could even snatch chishiya away, kuina was full on dragging her, trying to keep the injured one away from danger as possible, but that's quite hard considering they are in the borderlands. 

y/n looked behind and saw chishiya, sending him a look, y/n turned back around and looked around, her eyes looking for something. looking over, her eyes wandering from places she caught more people running over and many getting killed, closer to where they all were. 

"they're getting closer! we have to go!" 

while the ran, arisu stumbled and fell, crawling over to the other side and y/n just watched him with a confused glance. he then disappeared, making y/n furrow and worry for the man, but then y/n noticed how everyone separated, even y/n was away from the whole group making her groan in annoyance. 

she watched in horror as more people were killed, blood spilling everywhere, some getting on her, causing the woman to let out a disgusted sound and try to wipe away the blood but she had more things to worry about than dirty blood on her face. y/n caught sight of usagi and arisu running together, she couldn't help the smile growing on her face. 

"what the fuck is he doing?" y/n muttered between breaths when she saw arisu walk back to a shot man. usagi called for him and the guns being shot stopped him from saving the man, groaning in annoyance y/n tried to speed up her pace but failed as the wound on her stomach started to ache once more. 

she slid behind the car arisu was in and looked everywhere, arisu looking at her shocked and relieved that she was alive and well. 

"you'll die if you don't focus!" kuina yelled form across the road. she pursed her lips and started to question things. 

is this part of the game? 

shots were heard once more and y/n leaned into the car, looking over at her wound with a sigh. hopefully it didn't start bleeding again. 

a blimp appeared in front of them, making y/n lick her lips and drop her head into her hands letting out frustrated sounds. "the king of spades..." both y/n and arisu say in sync. 

usagi popped up and y/n didn't hear anymore gunshots, looking left to right y/n looked over at them with a firm nod. indicating they should all run across and get away. taking a deep breath in y/n ran first, the two following behind but then y/n heard usagi shout arisu's name. looking over y/n found them trying to help the basically dead man once more. 

"there's no point." y/n mumbled while slowing her pace and hiding behind a random car. her eyes widened when she saw a person covered in a black cloak. that must be him. 

"arisu! he's dead, there's no point!" y/n shouted while looking at the them with a slightly worried and frustrated expression. gun shots were heard once more, directed towards y/n, making her duck quickly and grunt. arisu seemed to not listen to her as he dragged the man, he looked dead. 

the two seemed to realize he was dead when they brought him behind a car. while they were busy with whatever, y/n observed the king of spades and realization hit her. he's alone. 

author : this was slightly rushed but yeah- if there's any mistakes i'm very sorry- i don't really look over the chapters after i finish writing them nd js publish it 💀.

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