uh oh | 26

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she watched as makoto left with hurry as tears ran down his face

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she watched as makoto left with hurry as tears ran down his face. it broke y/n truly and she almost cried but she held herself and looked around to check on the others. "are you guys alright?!" she shouted in concern as her heart beat quickened and saw the gunshots being fired and heard many screams of people. 

"we're good! what about you?!" usagi replied in concern and y/n shouted out, "i'm good!" y/n looked around and found the king to be distracted with others. "where the fuck are you guys?!" y/n shouted in frustration as she started to pull her hair. 

"over here!" y/n heard usagi shout from the left, she turned and found her behind a car. y/n looked around and found a place they could find. "come over here!" the three looked at each other and nodded their heads before rushing over to where y/n crouched down. 

more gunshots were heard and y/n looked around to see people running over where they are. "fuck!..." she cursed under her breath and leaned more into the car while sighing and shaking her head she then reached for the bag but she didn't feel the bag. her eyes widened and she looked to the right to see the bag lay on the ground with. she grunted and peeked to then duck down as the king shot her way. 

she then started to crawl towards it and snatched the bag quickly. her body slumped on the car and her eyes widened to see a person get shot right in front of her. "y/n?!" her head snapped to the voice to see kuina, looking over at her in worry. and y/n only chuckled and waved her off. "oh! kuina! wonderful meeting you again! oh! you too ann!" they all watched her bewildered. "cut the greetings and do it after the king dies!" y/n huffed and nodded her head before turning the safety off and pointed it directly at the king of spades. she shot once and he only looked her way, making her duck down in annoyance. 

"of course he'd have a bulletproof vest." she groaned in annoyance. 

peeking, she saw that he seemed to be focused on the others and ran towards the others. y/n was about to take a rest again but then a person got shot once more right in front of her eyes. they didn't hesitate to take this time to run away. 

ann and kuina kinda separated from the rest though. she noticed ann hiding behind a black car and y/n gasped when she realized the king being in front of ann and pointing the gun right at ann. killing the person beside her first. she noticed arisu was about to shoot but y/n did so first, catching the attention of the king. kuina kicked a side mirror towards the king, also attracting his attention. 

ann took this time to go and leave, while kuina was now being the one shot. "fucking son of a bitch." y/n muttered under her breath while shooting the king again, but it didn't do anything and rather just attracted his attention away from kuina. that's a good thing, not quite because now she was in much danger and with her wound she won't be able to run as fast. 

he was about to shoot the life out of her but y/n heard the noise of a car behind her and immediately ran to the side and ducked behind a car. panting rapidly. she heard the noise of explosion and peeked, she knew it wouldn't be so easy so she pointed the gun, waited for the king to appear. 

𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ' (𝙖𝙞𝙗𝙭𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now