what if | 05

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you sat up in alert and gasped for air, your hair sticking to your forehead due to the sweat, you groaned and rubbed your head while standing up and getting yourself a cup of water

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you sat up in alert and gasped for air, your hair sticking to your forehead due to the sweat, you groaned and rubbed your head while standing up and getting yourself a cup of water. you hated times like this. 

you checked the time and realized it was around four in the morning. nobody usually was awake during this time so you stepped out of your room with your dagger stuck on your waist. you hummed in content while stepping in the elevator and making your way up to the rooftop. 

that spot, you claimed it. it's your spot. nobody was barely even there and usually down at the pool or wherever other than the rooftop. 

you wondered when this all will end. when your dreams would stop haunting you. when you'd stop blaming yourself for every little thing. when you'd start to make friends once more. when everything that you hated would end. when? just when? 

painting up here was something that you loved. though you did somewhat grow bored after painting the same area but your skills at art grew better as did your creative side. you moved to different spots in the rooftop from time to time and painted things on the canvas that wasn't in real life. 

one time you even painted a child in the hands of who you assumed to be his mother. you painted him with ease and debated giving the painting to them but decided not to do it. it was still in your room, hidden away from everyone but you. 

you knew there were cameras here but you didn't care, they knew you painted and shit and if they did have a problem with it they would have went up to you already but they didn't. afterall this area is basically free except it's not really. 

getting out the supplies, you sighed and looked at the empty canvas, wondering exactly what you should paint today. in all honesty you really felt like wanting to paint a person. but considering everyone's basically asleep you couldn't do that and besides this and your room is basically the only area you paint in. 

but you did sketch and shit anywhere. outside the beach, you sketched the buildings, hell even the people that were there. soon after sketching and everything you sometimes would turn that sketch into a painting with your own imaginary colors. 

being an artist you didn't have everything. you didn't have that many sketchbooks as you barely even get out of the beach and whenever you did you needed somebody, mostly the ones in the militants to go with you. it frustrated you as they usually flirted with you or even make fun of you being an artist, it made you mad but you grew unbothered by it. the only militants you didn't have were Aguni, Niragi or the last boss. 

soon you'll get yourself new items as you are running out of paint and your brushes and getting worse, you also were running out of canvases and pages in the sketchbook. you stared at the canvas deep in thought. you didn't even hear the door to the rooftop open and close. 

finally knowing what to paint you went over your sketchbook and started to slowly paint your recent sketch. it was a random sketch you had in mind and you just let your hand do the work without giving a care of how it would turn out or look like. 

it looked to be odd and somewhat weird and creepy but it's beautiful. you let out a sigh at the start of the painting and huffed out. you grew annoyed at how the nose looked. art is beautiful sure but it was difficult at times. 

sighing you then brushed your hands and looked at them, different colors of paint on your hand and you pursed your lips while sighing out. 

you were about to stand up but you were interrupted by a hum somewhat behind you. so with eyes narrowed slightly, you turned your body slowly towards the sound and stopped but you still held your guard up when you saw the blonde male. 

he looked at your art and there was a slight smile on the mans face, it made you purse your lips and turn back around. you only knew his name as chishiya and that was the only thing you knew about him, well other than the fact the male is wonderful at diamond games. he always hung around with the female kuina. 

you licked your lips and continued to do your art work, your guard still high up. you were somewhat unbothered by the fact there was somebody watching you do your art. you didn't feel too comfortable with knowing someone was behind you and watching you but you didn't care, sooner or later one of you would leave. 

you were tempted to finish this painting within a day or else. the colors for it were to be sad beige kids and gold. it would fit perfectly in your opinion but you weren't too sure although you already started to paint it so there's really no going back. 

"you're the one who collected the 8 of hearts game." your movement stopped at that and you stiffened at what the man had pointed out. memories of the game haunting you and Erusa smiling at you with tears running down her face before the laser went through her. 

balling up your fists you started to clean up, not wanting to talk to he blonde and about this topic. after cleaning up the brushes you started to place them in a bag and brought your painting into a hidden spot only you and the man behind the cameras knew, now a new person knew where you hid your paintings. 

after cleaning up you sighed and didn't even bother to look at him before trying to leave. 

"you rejected many people, even the ones who only wanted to become friends with you. why." with your head high up you slowly hung your head low. not at all wanting to talk about this. you wanted to leave and you could, it didn't look like he could harm you so why not just leave? 

"i find it funny how you're the one to ask that." you chuckled while turning your body, facing him now. he looked at you with an unreadable expression on his face. he had a brow quirked up. "you're smart chishiya, you probably already figured out the answer to your own question with what i had just said, i won't give the answer to that question of yours any time now, anyhow, if you could please keep my whole art thing as a secret and my paintings hiding spot, that and it would be great, anyhow,  i have many things to attend to other than talking to-- well-- you!" with a little forced smile and a wave you left the rooftop. 

a sigh escaping your lips as you did so. you were holding your breath in the entire time as images of Erasu popped up into your mind. She wanted you to stay the way you were when the two of you were best friends, you still are of course... just without her being here anymore. 

she wanted you to stay the way you were. the one to help anyone when they needed it, the one to greet people with enthusiasm and kindness, the one to always tease everyone to ease their worry and stress, the one who you were way before when she died. you broke the promise. 

you didn't stay the way you were. no, you changed rather drastically, many people in the Beach realized that, Hatter himself even did, as well as every single executive or militant. they saw the way you were barely outside anymore, always in your room and whenever you were outside it was usually to drink and get yourself wasted. or simply because you were bored. 

they saw you as the girl who was far too kind and helpful and happy before Erasu had died, you seemed to always have that smile on your face when being around Erasu and you let out loud genuine laughs as well as genuine smiles. 

now you were simply forcing smiles and letting out laughs that weren't even genuine. you laughed at things that weren't supposed to be laughed at. like yesterday, you laughed at a woman dying because of her stupidity. she simply just wanted to know what electrical wires and curiosity filled her. 

you barely even had emotion anymore. there wasn't anything that brought happiness to you anymore except art. barely anything brought a smile to your face. but yesterday you let out a genuine laugh and a smile slip out after the game. 

you convinced yourself that it was also forced and there wasn't a meaning to it but you felt that spark in you. you felt it once again after months or hell even year(s). 

letting out a shaky breath out you started to walk back in your room. though you knew you couldn't and wouldn't be able to sleep back at all, you stayed on the bed, staring into the ceiling, deep in thought. 

what if you actually kept the promise? what if you actually stayed the way you were? what if?... 

𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ' (𝙖𝙞𝙗𝙭𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now